Chapter 22 - Departure

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Upon arriving the training area, Jäger saw most of the operators already in their teams. Some were planning strategies on maps and devices, others were hitting up the shooting area. There were also a couple testing their gadgets on the far end. Bandit gave Jäger a kiss letting him know he'd see him later before their departure. He headed over to the gadget testing section to work on his shock wires making sure they were in proper shape.

Jäger gave him a small wave then spotted Doc near the armoury. He decided to head over as he needed to practice his aiming and shooting. To be honest, he was quite rusty. The last operation he was apart of was a few months ago and that wasn't near as big as this one.

He smiled at Doc and he returned it, only with a smirk instead. Why was he acting so strange? Jäger shook it off then headed over to the weapons rack. He grabbed his 416-C Carbine assault rifle and a P12 handgun along with some mags if he used one up. Heading over to the shooting range, he checked if both guns were loaded then popped the safety off on both. Placing his pistol to the side, he held his rifle close to his face then aimed down his holographic sight. Lining up the shot with his target, he fired a few rounds with confidence. He smiled proudly to himself as he saw the bullets land where he targeted. He continued this until he felt confident he could do it on demand, same with his handgun if he ever needed it.

After his target practice, he went to the gadget testing area where he spotted fuze with a screwdriver and one of his trademark cluster charges. He looked up from his gadget when he heard Jäger's footsteps approaching. The two haven't talked before since he recently joined, but Jäger was always up for a chat.

"Hey there." He greeted with a friendly smile. Fuze just gave him a half wave/half salute and hummed in response. In all honesty, he seemed pretty upset and Jäger wanted to know why.

"Are you okay there friend?" He asked with concern in his voice. Fuze shook his head and dropped the screwdriver to the ground, holding his hand over his eyes. Was he crying?

Jäger knelt down and placed a hand on his shoulder to comfort him. "Tell me what's wrong, maybe I can help." He suggested and Fuze sniffled.

"It's-it's my boyfriend. I'm so worried about him." He explained sniffling in between his words. "We've never worked separately before and I-i swore to him I'd never leave him, but now I'm being forced to." His tears grew heavier, trickling down his cheeks.

"Hey, hey you needn't worry about your boyfriend I'm sure he'll be fine," Fuze looked up cocking his head slightly, "I'm in the same situation. Me and my boyfriend have never worked apart and I'm worried about him just like you are with yours, but I believe they'll pull through because of how much they love us and we them." He explained shaking his shoulder gently.

Fuze seemed to feel a lot better after hearing Jäger's words. "You're right, love will keep us strong and we will make it out alive." He said confidently, balling his hands and wiping his tears away. "Thanks for your help friend, I must be going now. Name's Shuhrat by the way." He announced as he got up from his seat.

"Marius, pleasure to meet you," he said with a smile and a salute. With that, Fuze exited and Jäger headed over to his active defence systems. He had a smile on his face, happy he was able to help someone out. 

His ADS' required little testing, they were all pretty much in tip top shape and Jäger felt confident in his preparations. He was ready to get this over with.


It was later on in the evening and everyone was preparing the last of their equipment, ready to bored the helicopters that would take them to their destinations.

There were four buildings in a disclosed location in the middle east, riddled with terrorists and bombs. Six's intel team discovered that the terrorist group were planning to create bombs using a type of unidentifiable chemical. Six's mission was to infiltrate the different strongholds and disarm any bombs created, eliminating the enemies as they headed from floor to floor.

There was a determined energy traveling around the landing sight. Everyone was loaded and ready to go, all in their assigned teams. There was a colour for each team so if anything were to happen, it would be easier for Six to identify them and get them out as soon as possible. Jäger's team wore yellow bands around their arms with microchips inside, tracking their locations. Bandit's team wore blue and the other two; red and green.

It wasn't long before the helicopters were fuelled up and everyone was ready to board. Jäger sprinted over to Bandit and threw himself into his arms. Bandit giggled at his cuteness and squeezed him tightly, planting a kiss on his helmet clad head.

"I love you baby, stay safe for me." Bandit said pointing directly at him with a serious look. Jäger gulped and nodded then kissed him on the lips and ran back to his team, waving to Bandit.

It was finally time to board. Jäger felt anxiety burn in the pit of his stomach, but his determination and his love for Bandit were stronger feeling. He skimmed over his team as they took their seats. Doc and Tachanka were heavily armoured from head to toe, where as Jackal only had a helmet, a bullet-proof vest, elbow and knee pads and some heavy boots. He always stood out from everyone else. He glared outside the window, resting his chin in his palm that was propped up by his elbow on the window. Jäger couldn't help but stare. This was going to be a long ride.

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