Chapter 16 - Slut

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After the introductions were over, everyone left and went back to whatever they were doing previously. Jäger noticed Bandit was seeming a little off and was pretty paranoid he'd caught him staring at Jackal. He tried to brush it off but it lingered in the back of his mind, never leaving no matter how hard he tried to think of something else.

To take his mind off things and hopefully cheer Bandit up, he decided to see if he wanted to hit up the training range. Shooting made him focus and forget his thoughts, plus it was something Jäger and Bandit enjoyed doing together.

After a few grunts and moans of refusal from Bandit, he finally gave in to Jäger's begging, utilising his magnificent puppy dog eyes and baby talk. Jäger being so adorable was both a blessing and a curse for Bandit. He let out a loud sigh as they head to the training range.

"Come on baby, we'll have some fun and you'll get to clear your mind." Bandit just hummed and looked down, the whole Jackal guy situation was bothering him and he really wanted to know if that was the guy who was texting his boyfriend. He did look pretty stunned when the guy walked out on stage, but he can't be sure until he confronts Jäger. Maybe he could bring it on lightly while they were training.

Jäger was getting a little annoyed of Bandit's lack of enthusiasm and really wanted him to cheer up. His negativity often affected him too and he knows his boyfriend has been through a lot, but deep down he wanted him to get over his anxiety and depression, for Bandit's and his own sake.

Once they got to the training range, Jäger snaked his hand into Bandit's with a large grin. Bandit turned to look at him and blushed with a small grin. Jäger really knew how to wake those butterflies living in his stomach. Even if that guy was the same one who was texting his boyfriend, he knew he couldn't be mad at him.

Jäger headed over to the pistol training section and grabbed two along with a couple mags. He handed Bandit one with a smile and he took it with a surprising kiss to his cheek. Jäger was a little shocked by the sign of affection, he turned towards the range beet red while his boyfriend stood behind him.

"Watch this baby," Jäger shot the pistol and hit the target right in the head. He put on a confident grin and bounced excitedly turning to see his boyfriend's reaction. Bandit wrapped his arms around him and planted a kiss on his head.

"Good job babe, that's probably the best I've seen you shoot before. Apart from that time in bed of course," he winked suggestively and Jäger turned red in embarrassment staring at his feet completely shocked. "You trying to impress me Mari?" He nudged him playfully and Jäger didn't know how to react, Bandit was making him feel all kinds of hot and bothered.

"Aww, is my baby shy?" He cooed and embraced him again. Giggling, he turned to the range and aimed down his sights whilst Jäger stood behind him still blushing furiously. Bandit shot and hit the target right between the eyes. He wasn't excited like Jäger, but he did have a smug grin on his face. He turned back to his boyfriend.

"See that baby, got 'em right between the eyes." Bandit made finger guns and added a little sound effect to emphasise his amazing shot. Jäger giggled and tapped him on the arm playfully.

Whilst the two joked around lovingly, there was a sudden click to the entrance of the training range. Both of them turned to see who was there. The new girl Mira entered and smiled at them heading over to the assault rifles. Jäger felt so much anxiety in the pit of his stomach. If that was Jackal's partner then surely they trained together...

As if on cue, the man none other than the handsome Jackal himself entered the room closing the door painfully slow behind him. Jäger felt his heart race a million beats per minute and his breathing quickened drastically. He was clearly panicking.

The next thing he knew, Jäger was heading over to them with a sly smirk on his face. The only noise in the room was the soft pattering of Jackal's feet. Bandit noticed this in an instant and furrowed his eyebrows at the stupid smug looking asshole. By the look he gave to Jäger and the clear panicking of his boyfriend, he knew this was the guy that was texting him. He kept his cool but his expression didn't change as the man got nearer.

Jackal cleared his throat to try and clear the tense atmosphere. "Well, hello again Marius," he smirked and placed a hand on Jäger's shoulder. Jäger flinched uncomfortably and moved closer to Bandit ever so slightly. "And you are?" He gestured towards Bandit.

"My name is Dominic, I'm his boyfriend." There was a clear emphasis on 'boyfriend' as he wanted to make sure Jackal understood that. He was not going to fuck around here.

"Ah, I see." His expression was difficult to read. It was almost a little envious and he seemed taken a back. "You do realise he's been texting me all sorts of things right?" Jackal questioned smugly and Jäger's heart sank to his stomach.

Bandit seemed quite surprised when he heard "all sorts of things" but he wasn't gonna back down from this idiot. Jäger was his and nobody else's, he was going to make that clear.

"Baby is what he's saying true?" Bandit asked lightly not wanting to make his boyfriend even more anxious. He could feel him shaking on his arm.

"Uh- um partially. I was texting him, but I promise it was all friendly," he admitted stuttering over his words nervously. Bandit placed a reassuring kiss on his forehead.

"Hm, better watch out for him. He's quite the little slut," Jackal warned clearly wanting to offend Jäger. A tear streamed down his face at the harsh word. It hurt him. Was he really a slut? Did he cheat on his boyfriend? Bandit was furious. "You better get the fuck away from me and my boyfriend right now," he threatened getting nearer to Jackal.

Jackal was not phased by it, he simply chuckled then spat in Bandit's face. He flinched and wiped the saliva off his face angrily. He already hated this idiot and it had only been a couple minutes. With that, Jackal called Mira over and he turned on his heels, both heading towards the door. Glancing back at Jäger he smirked and winked. Then they left.

As soon as the door shut, Jäger collapsed to his knees and the tears began flowing out of his eyes. Bandit immediately dropped next to him and wrapped his arms around him comfortingly. He squeezed his boyfriend tightly and planted kisses all over his head.

"It's okay baby. He's just trying to hurt you. I love you Mari." Bandit reassured as he cupped his face to look into his boyfriends eyes.

"I love you."

Sparks | Jäger X Bandit | Rainbow Six Siege | FanFiction | Book 1 | (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now