Chapter 19 - Dinner

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Their training only lasted an hour and all four felt confident after it that they'd be ready to take on the mission the next day. Doc smiled fondly at his three team mates, a sense of proudness of their hard work and dedication to Rainbow. None of them backed down and certainly pushed themselves to their limits and Doc grateful. The mission would be the only way they would know if their training paid off.

Since they were all satisfied with the work they put in, the four decided they would go out to dinner to celebrate. Jäger felt extremely nervous about having to sit at the same table as Jackal; his eyes were all over him during their training. It made him feel shy and embarrassed, but he couldn't deny he loved the fond looks Jackal would give him. This man was killing him slowly.

Heading back to his room, he spotted Bandit down the hall. He rushed over to him and leaped onto his back. Bandit gasped in surprise and tripped over his feet. Jäger giggled as he almost fell to the ground.

"Oh my god babe! I nearly died." He exclaimed in pretend outrage. Jäger giggled even harder and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"Sorry baby, I missed you that's all." Bandit caressed his cheek and planted a kiss on his forehead, Jäger blushing under his touch.

"I missed you too," he said with another kiss. Jäger linked his hand with Bandit's and they headed down the hall together.

Arriving back at their room, Bandit decided he was going to head to bed early. He wanted to get as much rest as possible before he was deployed the next day. Meanwhile, Jäger nervously got ready for his dinner with the guys.

He looked at himself in the mirror, carefully shaving his face with a cheap razor, trying his best to not cut himself. After shaving, he brushed his disheveled hair a little until he was satisfied with his look. Once ready, he sprayed his pits with some deodorant then exited the bathroom to get dressed.

Wearing only his boxers, he headed over to the kitchen counter to write Bandit a quick note to explain where he'd gone when he woke up. Jäger knew he'd need his sleep so a note would be fine. He headed into the bedroom and placed it on Bandit's nightstand kissing his forehead then opened his closet to pick out his outfit.

He settled for a distressed brown leather jacket, a white shirt, some slim dark jeans and his brown combat boots, not forgetting to tie a button-up around his waist for added affect. He skimmed over himself in the mirror and smiled pleased with how he looked.

 He skimmed over himself in the mirror and smiled pleased with how he looked

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It was a little later in the evening and Jäger was ready to head out. He switched the tv he'd previously been watching off then grabbed his wallet and keys, heading for the door. He was only halfway down the hall and his feet already started to hurt from the tight boots. He knew he should have worn an extra layer of socks for comfort, but it was too late now. Brushing it off, he continued down the hallway to the exit.
Scanning his id card, he gave a small smile to the woman behind the front desk then left.

The cold breeze of the evening danced over his skin making his hair stand on end and his body shiver. The sun was close to setting and ribbons of yellow and pink painted the deep blue sky. He smiled at the beautiful sight in front of him, basking in its glory as he continued down the sidewalk.

The restaurant they were meeting up at wasn't far from the base which was very convenient for Jäger considering he couldn't drive. That always baffled people; and engineer obsessed with cars who not being able to drive. Although Jäger was always more about the pilot life.

Upon arriving the restaurant, he peeked through the entrance spotting a dressed up Doc standing in the lobby area. He looked very put together and Jäger couldn't deny his handsomeness. Entering, he studied the mans appearance. He wore a thin blazer with a white shirt, some slim dark pants and polished dressed shoes.

"Hey Doc." Jäger greeted with a warm smile walking up to him. Doc lifted his gaze from his phone and smiled back.

"Hello Marius, you're looking quite handsome tonight." He complimented placing a hand on his arm and giving it a small squeeze. Jäger blushed and grinned even wider.

"You don't look too bad either." He teased with a wink and Doc snorted tapping him playfully. They made small talk whilst waiting for the others to arrive before they got seated.

Jäger took a second to admire the place. It was quite grand and had nice deep red walls and cream marbled floors that added to its beauty. It was quite the restaurant, somewhere Jäger had never been to.

A little later Tachanka and Jackal arrived, the Russian's loud voice booming as he slammed the entrance doors open. He was always this way so bashful and self-assured. Jäger giggled at the people's reactions to the man, some showed faces of annoyance and others giggled too. Jackal hung behind with a smirk on his face and scrolling through his phone. He always looked so mysterious like he was constantly up to something.

Doc was also on his phone next to Jäger and he noticed him smirking too. Were they texting each other literally two feet apart? He shook it off with look of confusion and greeted the two men that had walked in. Doc tucked his phone away and greeted them also. Something didn't feel right, he sensed something between Doc and Jackal that he didn't quite get; the smirks and mysterious looks it was really bugging him.

Doc turned on his heel and headed up to the front desk waiting for someone to come seat them. About a minute later a tall and handsome man came by and gestured them towards the seating area. They followed, Jackal snaking an arm around Jäger's waist making him gasp in surprise. He felt uncomfortable under the mans touch but he didn't refuse.

As they got to their table, Doc thanked the man then grabbed a menu from the stand in the middle of the table and browsing through it. The three others repeated shortly after. After some small talk and a quick look through the menus a waitress arrived at their table to take their order.

After they ordered, they continued with their chatting, talking about the mission and how their training went. Jäger sat and listened most of the time, he wasn't much of a talker. Plus, Jackal's flirtatious gazes and smirk weren't helping. He felt his pants grow tighter every time he looked into his chocolate brown eyes making him shift uncomfortably in his seat. Luckily the two others didn't notice.

Their night continued like that; Jackal gazing and admiring Jäger, Doc and Tachanka chatting about anything and everything and not to mention their delicious food. They all felt content with how their night was going, but Jäger couldn't help but sense that same strangeness between Jackal and Doc. Hopefully he'd be able to find out what it was all about soon.

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