Chapter 5 - Thirst

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When Jäger arrived back
at the base, Bandit still in his arms fast asleep, he kissed him on the forehead then scanned his id card that he struggled to pull out of his pocket with Bandit's weight holding him down.

He used Bandit's feet to kick the door open then proceeded down the hallway. It was completely silent, all he could hear was Bandit's steady breathing and little noises he made in his sleep. He had an uneasy look on his face and Jäger worried about him. He was hoping he wasn't suffering from a nightmare of some sort.

When he got back to their room he unlocked the door and stepped inside, careful not to catch Bandit's legs on the door, then walked over to his bed to set him down gently. His arms were killing, but Bandit felt warm in his arms and it was really nice to cuddle with him. He hoped to do it again sometime.

Finally, he had some time to himself to relax after probably one of the most stressful days of his life. He walked into the bathroom for his usual evening shower, stripping his clothes and stepping onto the cold tiles of the shower floor. He turned the faucet and let the warm water flow down his body. The tiles were freezing on his feet and he couldn't stand still for a while. Eventually, he warmed up and threw his head back, finally having a chance to relax. The water felt amazing on his sore body. His back hurt like a bitch from carrying Bandit and his feet from walking so much.

He took a chance to look back on his day. He thought about his nice walk with Bandit that soon turned sour when he found out what happened the night before, but Jäger knew he couldn't leave Bandit unforgiven, he'd feel awful. After all, he was depressed and wasn't in his right mind. He couldn't say he blamed him for wanting to enjoy himself when feeling so upset. Distractions were perfect sometimes but always had some sort of consequence afterwards. He really hoped karma wouldn't bite Bandit too hard for his actions. Using people was wrong, but for someone who was that broken, was it really such a terrible thing? Jäger didn't think so. He believed everyone deserved a second chance, as long as he didn't do something like that again. The real issue was, does he trust him not to do something like that again?


It was later in the evening. Jäger had gotten into an old shirt and some sweatpants and was now going to check on his friend. Or maybe more than a friend? He wasn't sure yet, he wanted this whole Blitz situation to fade away before exploring his love life with Bandit. Although Jäger knew Blitz was probably expecting more from Bandit soon. It wasn't his fault, Bandit led him on. Poor guy probably thinks Bandit loves him. He did feel bad for Blitz sometimes, he may seem cheery and goofy but it's obvious he's putting up a front to hide the fact he's lonely and needs someone. Jäger truly hoped he'd find the right person soon. Who knows, maybe IQ would be interested.

Jäger brushed his thoughts away and focused on checking on Bandit. He laid there, snuggled up in his blanket still with unease plastered on his face. It upset Jäger to see him look so on edge, even in his sleep. Poor baby must have been dreaming up all sorts of things. He kissed him on the forehead again and brushed a strand of hair behind his ear with an endearing smile. Shortly after he turned around and headed to the door. He was starving. Bandit must have been too, the hadn't eaten all day, so he decided to head down to the cafeteria to get a pizza or something. He slipped his shoes on and pulled a jacket over him before leaving, taking one last look at Bandit.

Little did Jäger know, Bandit wasn't asleep. He couldn't sleep. He had woken up an hour ago when Jäger was taking a shower. Pretending was all he was doing because right now he had to see Blitz. He couldn't fall asleep, Blitz was waiting for him surely.

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