Chapter 4 - I Like You Too

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The boys had a day off today. Instead of sobbing in their room together, Jäger wiped his puffy eyes and suggested they should take a long walk to clear their heads. Although Bandit really did not feel up to it, he agreed to go with him after everything he put him through yesterday. He didn't want to lose his only close friend.

"Ugh, can I just kick my feet up a minute Mari? I'm so tired," he groaned laying on his bed with his hands behind his head.

"No, you can't," he giggled but tried to act serious. Since Bandit wouldn't cooperate, he grabbed his shoes and decided to put them on his feet himself.

"Oi, what do you think you're doing?" He asked mischievously teasing Jäger. He kicked his legs so Jäger couldn't but his shoes on him properly.

"Look if you don't let me put your shoes on right now, you know what's gonna happen," he smirked but Bandit kept messing around.

"Alright, you're asking for it now." Jäger grabbed a tight hold of Bandit's leg and began to tickle his foot furiously. He was extremely ticklish and couldn't help but burst out laughing. His stomach hurt from laughing so much.

It was safe to say Jäger was shocked. He did not expect that kind of reaction from him, but he was in love with those giggles. He tickled his other foot too, practically torturing him because his laugh was so adorable.

"S-stop Mari!" He yelled playfully, tears welling in his eyes from laughing so hard.

But Jäger didn't stop. He was enjoying himself way to much. After a few more begs from Bandit, he finally stopped.

"Got the message?" He teased and Bandit nodded. "Okay okay, I got the message," he chuckled again, "now put my shoes on little bitch." He smirked.

Jäger blushed furiously. He had a couple dark secrets of his own and finding abuse extremely attractive was one of them. Being called a 'bitch' turned him on so badly. He loved it, bur tried to ignore it and continued putting Bandit's shoes on for him.

Blushing furiously he shoved Bandit's legs to the ground playfully when he was done. Bandit kinda noticed the red in his cheeks and knew Jäger was a naughty boy pretending to be good. It was blatantly obvious, but to make sure, he'd use the word again.

"Okay doke, let's go you little bitch you," he teased elbowing his arm. He could have sworn he heard a light moan ever so slightly leave his lips.

"Stop calling me that!" He yelled as Bandit kept nudging his arm and teasing him.

"Why? Does it turn you on?" He said plainly. Jäger was extremely taken aback by this.

"N-no shut up, dummy," he hid his face in his jacket like he'd do whenever IQ would tease them. Speaking of IQ, it had been a while since they talked properly. Jäger was thinking of visiting her sometime.

"Haha, sure," he winked and nudged him again. He wanted to kill Bandit for making him feel this way and they hadn't even left the base yet.

When they finally signed out and left, Jäger suggested they should walk in the park down the road. Bandit just hummed in agreement. Grumpy ass.

Approaching the gates, Jäger struggled with the handle. Bandit kindly moved him to the side and with a simple tug at the handle, the gate opened. Jäger blushed in embarrassment whereas Bandit chuckled at his goofiness.

"Come on silly," he nudged him playfully. As if it was by instinct, Jäger leaned his head on Bandit's muscular shoulder for comfort. He couldn't but blush at the cute action, but he didn't say anything.

"It's been a while since we've taken a long walk before," he pointed out. Again, Bandit humming in agreement.

"It's nice, I like spending time with you Dom," he smiled warmly, but Bandit couldn't see of course.

Sparks | Jäger X Bandit | Rainbow Six Siege | FanFiction | Book 1 | (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now