Chapter 15 - A Familiar Face

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"Attention. All operators to the main hall immediately." The stern voice of the president of rainbow blared through the loud speakers in every part of the base. Jäger was surprised by the sudden voice, he new this was something important.

He got up from the couch he had been sitting on and slipped his white trainers on. Bandit soon came from the bedroom with an anxious look on his face. He hated large crowds and people looking at him, whenever everyone assembled he always felt the anxiety in the pit of his stomach, his throat would close up and he'd start to panic every time. He knew it was going to happen today.

Jäger noticed how anxious he looked and wrapped an arm around him comfortingly. He placed a kiss on his head as he leaned it on his shoulder. He felt so bad for the poor guy, but there was nothing they could do about it. If they were caught absent they'd be kicked from the unit. They had a register at the entrance to make sure every operator was present.

Jäger and Bandit left their room in a hurry. As they headed down the hallway, Bandit began to slow his pace. Jäger turned to look at him with sorry eyes, the guilt was eating away at him and it wasn't even his fault.

"Baby, come on I'll be right next to you. If you feel anxious just let me know or snuggle into me," Jäger reassured with a smile. Bandit nodded as he looked down at his feet. He was so scared.

Once they reached the entrance, Jäger went first to scan his finger print on the register. A green light flashed and he entered but lingered around waiting for Bandit to scan his. After he was done he shuffled into the hall, clutching Jäger's hand like a child would to their parent. He felt everyone's eyes staring at him, a burning sensation on the back of his head. His heart raced and he took a huge gulp as they took a seat near the front of the stage.

Soon after everyone was inside, Bandit began to calm down a little. He reminded himself to not look around and freak himself out, just keep his eyes on the stage or Jäger. He rubbed is sweaty palms together whilst Jäger gave him a reassuring squeeze to his shoulder. He felt safe next to his boyfriend.

Soon after, the president walked out onto the stage. She grabbed either side of the podium and cleared her throat before talking.

"Welcome operators. Now all of you may be wondering why you have been called here. Well, as you know Rainbow has always had an eye for talent and welcomes only the best of the best into its unit. You have all been deployed here because you bring unique capabilities to the table," she paused and a few clapped and cheered. Bandit noticed Tachanka, one of the Russian operators who was in the front row throw his fist in the air, grunting and shouting, clearly proud of himself and his team mates. He chuckled slightly at him.

The president continued: "Well I am excited to announce that Rainbow has been searching for even more talent, and we have recruited six new operators into our unit." Everyone burst into an uproar of cheers and clapping. It was always an exciting time whenever new people joined as everyone got along pretty nicely in the base. Exciting for everyone but Bandit of course. He slumped in his seat and pulled his hood over his head. He hated everything, the screaming, the cheering, new people who could judge him. He felt like storming out of the hall.

The president cleared her throat again, indicating she wanted everyone to settle down. "First of all, please welcome Frost and Buck. They are Canadian operators from the JTF2 unit." Again the cheers and applause broke out as the two came onto the stage. They both smiled and stood with their hands behind their backs confidently.

"Secondly, please welcome Fuze and Glaz two of the Spetnaz's best operators." Many were surprised that more Russians were joining, they were so used to Tachanka and Kapkan being the only Russians there. Jäger smiled as they walked out on stage. He noticed them holding hands and it made him extremely happy. They could have been close friends, but if the two were together then he was over the moon that there were more gay people joining as he could relate to them. A few gasped in surprise as they noticed their interlocked hands and others cooed and swooned. It was definitely a new atmosphere in the base.

As the crowd settled, the last two were ready to be revealed. "And finally, please welcome Mira and... Jackal," Jäger's heart stopped, his jaw dropping and eyes growing wide. Out of all the people in the world, Ryad had to be one who was joining. He felt so uneasy about the situation. He would have to face Jackal one way or another almost everyday, wether it was training or on missions, he'd still have to interact with him. He really didn't want him interfering on his relationship with Bandit.

"These two operators are from the Spanish unit GEO and we are extremely lucky to have them with us." They both walked out on stage looking extremely smug and confident, they were definitely self-assured. Jäger found himself not able to look away from the handsome man, it was exactly like the whole hospital situation.

Bandit sat back up and pulled his hood off as he noticed the introductions were done and everyone was settled. The plastic chair was extremely uncomfortable on his butt and he shifted awkwardly. He turned to look at Jäger who was completely in a world of his own. He wondered what he was blatantly staring at.

His eyes followed Jäger's until they landed on none other than Jackal. A douchie looking guy with a smug smirk on his face. After studying the guy and taking a moment to think, he realised what was going on here. This was the guy who was texting Jäger. It had to be. He was so ready to confront his ass.


A/N - Ahhh shit's about to go down! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :)

What did you guys think of Fuze and Glaz being together? I definitely want to explore their relationship in this book, I ship them so hard.

Also sorry for the huge bombshell I dropped on you guys xD Jackal's here to stir some shit, you'd better prepare yourselves ;)

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