Chapter 26 - Captured

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A flicker of light. A mere glimmer. Jäger's eyes began to slowly flutter open. His eyelids gradually picked up their speed. All he could see was white. He tried to adjust to the bright light, blinking rapidly. Once his vision became clearer, he slowly examined what seemed to be some sort of garage that he was in. His neck ached as he turned his head making him flinch in surprise. He noticed the garage doors, both shut. Looking up he noticed where the bright light was coming from, a light bulb dangling pathetically on its wires from the ceiling. He looked down at the concrete floor beneath his feet, trying to move his legs. He couldn't. Numbness was all he felt throughout his body. He tried to move his arms but it was no use, they were tied behind his back. It felt like a rope, the knot digging into his wrists uncomfortably. His fingertips felt dead. A tight rope was tied around his thighs, so tight it was probably cutting off his circulation. He tried shifting but it was no use, pins and needles rushed to his feet and up his ankles. He groaned in pain. Starting to panic, he began shifting faster. He had to break free.

His struggling was no use. He turned to look over his shoulder in pain. A large mattress of some sort stood behind him. A rope around his abdomen held him to it. He shifted his gaze upwards to see chains stuck to the top of the mattress, probably holding it up.

Trying his best not to panic, he took a few deep breaths to calm himself. The memories of what happened earlier rushed into his brain. He remembered the massacre of the third floor and the defusing of the bomb, but then he remembered those three simple words; "Now... sedate them."

He felt pure shock, betrayal and hatred. How could his own team mates turn on him like that? After all the trust he put in them, they just stabbed him in the back. Although, he felt he should have seen something like this coming.

He thought back to their celebratory dinner, the smirks and looks both Jackal and Doc exchanged, how they both tried to comfort him whenever he felt down, how Jackal's jealousy made him mad at Doc. Now he was here. Alone. Or so he thought...

"Jäger!" A loud voice screamed. He recognised that Russian accent anywhere. "Are you here?!" He yelled in panic.

"Y-yes!" He replied with strain, his voice cracking and hoarse. He shifted again, his numbness faded. He felt stronger this time and his friend's voice motivated him.

"Oh thank god! Do not worry friend, I will get us out of here!" He assured in relief. Jäger felt a lot calmer after Tachanka's words.

"W-where are you?!" He questioned stuttering. Suddenly, a pile of boxes fell across the room, only to reveal Tachanka with his hands tied to a chain on the ceiling. His legs were free so he must have kicked the boxes down. Seeing his friend's face brought a smile to his face. He didn't care about the situation they were in for the moment, just seeing him safe and alive calmed him down.

"How are we going to get out?" Jäger asked worriedly. Tachanka chuckled in response. He furrowed his brows confused.

"Look over there," he gestured with his foot to a table. "Those bastards forgot to take their equipment with them." He explained. On the table were two backpacks opened slightly.

"If I can break these chains, I can look for a knife and cut you free." He pulled on the chains as hard as he could, his face scrunching and turning red in the process. Jäger couldn't help but let out a little giggle.

His expression turned to worry as he heard footsteps approaching. A click in the door was heard. The knob turned and it was pushed open ever so slowly, creaking loudly. It was opened to reveal his capturers. Jackal entered smugly, lolling along with his usual smirk. Jäger furrowed his brows in anger making him giggle mockingly. Doc entered slowly behind him.

"Well well, it seems our team mates are awake." He stated in a mock-surprised tone. Doc chuckled behind him.

"No shit Sherlock. Want a fucking medal?" Tachanka retaliated in anger. Jackal's smirk grew wider as he slowly walked up to him.

"Wanna say that again you Russian bastard?" Tachanka stared at him with a cold gaze, never blinking as neared. "I won't hesitate to kill you if you fuck with me, understand?" He stated intimidatingly. He spat in his face earning a hard punch to his. Somehow Jäger knew he'd never have it in him. It was all lies to make him seem like a scary villain or whatever he was trying to be.

"Doc, why don't you see to our little friend over there?" He suggested with a grin pointing towards Jäger. Nodding in response, he walked painfully slow towards him. Jäger stared him straight in the eyes.

"Let me tell you something Marius," he paused and placed a hand against Jäger's cheek. He shivered uncomfortably beneath his touch, the coldness of his fingertips stinging his skin. His tone became sinister, contrasting his soft expression. In all honesty, it scared Jäger.

"I may he a humanitarian but... that does not mean I won't hesitate to fuck you to death..."

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