Chapter 17 - Partner

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Operations were always Jäger and Bandit's favourite things about being apart of their unit. It was what they were born to do. They loved the thrill of breaching into buildings and taking out those senseless terrorists. The adrenaline rushing through them gave them a kick as they did their jobs.

Since new operators were recruited they guessed there would be a new operation coming up soon. They were right. Both listened carefully to the president's voice over the loudspeaker. She was listing the nicknames of some of the operators.

They were both extremely excited to have heard their nicknames be called out and were eager to get to work. The president called everyone who was named to her briefing office where teams would be sorted then assigned different objectives. They would then receive a brief overview of the mission.

Jäger and Bandit hurried down the hallway passing the new recruits, Glaz and Fuze who were holding hands again and giggling together. Their relationship seemed extremely adorable to Jäger and it made him happy.

Once they arrived at the briefing room, Bandit opened the door slowly and entered with a gulp. Of course he'd be extremely anxious right now, there were so many people sat in that room. They took a seat near the back of the room next to IQ and Blitz. Considering they were apart of the same unit, they assumed they'd be assigned the same mission. IQ seemed extremely happy to see them both and gave them a wide grin. Blitz on the other hand tried his best to not look at Bandit in the eyes. It would only hurt him. He really liked Bandit, and he thought Bandit felt the same way, but no he had a boyfriend.

Jäger skimmed over everyone in the room, after a few seconds his eyes landed on Jackal who stared directly into his soul. He blushed and looked away, side-eying him. Jackal had a smirk plastered on his face as he stared at him. Jäger was so intimidated. No matter how much of an asshole he thought he was, he still found him overwhelmingly gorgeous. He was perfect, but a total dick.

The president cleared her throat and the chatter in the room died down. Everyone turned to face her listening carefully to everything she had to say.

"Welcome operators. I have gathered you all here today as our specialists have located a terrorist plot in the middle east. Now I'm sure you're all used to working with your usual teams specific to your unique units, but since we have some new highly skilled recruits, we thought we mix things up a little." She explained.

Jäger gulped and looked at Bandit. He mouthed a 'you'll be fine' to him. He turned back to the president. He was so used to his team, he wasn't sure if he'd manage working with others.

"Now, we have four teams that will be dispatched one by one tomorrow evening. Get some rest tonight operators. Anyways, as for the first team we have: Fuze, Buck, IQ and Mira. Second team: Frost, Blitz, Glaz and Ela. Third team: Kapkan, Zofia, Twitch and Bandit..."

Jäger froze in shock. He wasn't going to be with his boyfriend or anyone from his team at all. He already knew he'd struggle immensely with whatever mission his team would have.

"Finally, our fourth and final team: Jäger, Doc, Tachanka and Jackal..." She smiled as the operators began to sort themselves into their teams. She was confident they'd all work great together and pull through in their missions.

Jäger on the other hand was the complete opposite of confident. He had Jackal on his team. Just saying that in his head made his stomach turn. He could barely look at the guy let alone work and strategise with him. He wondered what the actual fuck was he getting himself into.

He hesitantly got up off his seat, giving Bandit a quick kiss before heading over to where his team were assembling. Bandit pulled his arm back and surprised him. He gave him a look that he knew had to be about Jackal. He nodded in understanding then proceeded.

"Hello there Jäger," Doc smiled holding his hand out. Jäger took it in his own and shook it with a small grin. He took a seat beside the French man. Soon Tachanka joined them and the only one they were waiting for was Jackal.

Jäger looked over to the other side of the room where he noticed him whispering something into Mira's ear. He was curious about what he said. Anxiety ate at his stomach and he shifted uncomfortably in his seat, palms sweating as he waited for the beautiful man to come over.

He gave Mira a hug then started walking over to them. As much as he really hated Jackal right now, he felt kind of bad since him and Mira seemed really close but they had to split. Maybe they could get along better without their partners.

As he got nearer Jäger could have sworn he saw Jackal blush when he looked at him. He was so confused. He knew that he was into him, but it seemed like he was trying to prove a point or something more than anything. Not like he actually had feelings for Jäger.

He took a seat next to him and cleared his throat awkwardly. Jäger was extremely nervous that he was in the presence of the beauty again, especially after what had happened earlier.

"Look, I'm really sorry about what I said. The truth is I'm actually really jealous of your boyfriend." Jackal admitted out of the blue and Jäger whipped his head around in surprise.

"B-but why?" He questioned curiously. He felt like he knew the answer already, but he wanted to be sure.

"Because he has such a wonderful boyfriend." He answered shyly and looked down at his feet blushing.

Jäger couldn't tell if he was being serious or if it was all a front just to lure him in. Either way he was captivated by the guy.

"That's really sweet," Jäger said with a soft smile trying not to look excited. Jackal lifted his head to look at him again.

"What can I say? He's a really lucky guy to have someone like you." Jackal admitted with a slight growl to his voice. Jäger felt the blood flowing down below, he couldn't help it. Jackal was so attractive and made him feel all type of emotions.

"Uh, thanks I guess," he replied with shakiness. Jackal smirked with a nod and placed his hand on Jäger's thigh. He turned beet red and his heart began to race.

"I have a feeling we're gonna work great together."

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