Chapter 23 - Breach

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It had been a six hour flight. Everyone was pretty tired, but they managed to nap throughout. Jäger was really starting to feel the nerves now. He felt his clammy palms beneath his thick gloves and the sweat sticking to the hairs that were tucked under his helmet. His whole body was shaking slightly. Doc noticed this and gave him a look of pity. He got up from his seat and sat by Jäger, smoothing his back comfortingly to calm him down. He appreciated this.

Jackal felt a little jealousy boil inside him as he saw Doc so close to him. He felt he should be the one to comfort Jäger. He tried to ignore it by gazing out the window, watching as they flew over the mountains below. The sky was clear and the stars shone majestically. The beauty made Jackal smile. It made him get lost in his thoughts. He thought about how this whole time he put up a front that made him seem arrogant, cocky and selfish but deep down he knew wasn't really like that. He was so infatuated with Jäger ever since they met in the hospital that he'd do anything to try and make him his. No matter the extent, he was going to make sure this would happen. He needed Jäger more than anything and he wasn't going to back down.

Snapping out of his thoughts, he abruptly stood up almost hitting his head on the panel above him. Jäger looked up at him in surprise as he made his way over. Next thing he knew, Jackal was sitting extremely close to him, their thighs and feet touching. Jackal leaned is head on his shoulder causing him to shift closer to Doc in surprise. Doc gasped as he felt Jäger practically leap into his side.

"Hey hey, calm down. Come 'ere." Jackal commanded gesturing towards himself with his finger. Jäger gulped but did as told. Jackal wrapped his arm around his shoulders and brought him to his chest endearingly .

"No need to be scared babe. You're with me now." He assured giving him a squeeze. Words couldn't form in Jäger's throat, he just sat and let Jackal comfort him. He felt bad for not refusing but Jackal was so intimidating. Making him angry was the last thing he wanted.

Jackal adjusted his gaze to Doc only to receive a smirk. He squinted his eyes devilishly and returned the smirk with a single nod...


The pilot's voice echoed through their headphones as he gave them a signal that they'd be landing in five minutes. Tachanka looked at his team confidently and held a fist out in front of him. They all in turn bumped their fists with his and gave each other confident smiles. There was no turning back now.

The helicopter descended slowly before landing on the roof of a building. Jäger looked out the window quickly and studied their surroundings. The whole city was completely dark, the only signs of light were a few street lamps that illuminated some of the streets below. Tachanka pulled out the map they discussed their plan on and showed them the location they would have to infiltrate. It was two blocks away, meaning they'd have to rappel down to the straight and make their way over. It was the safest option without being spotted.

Once the four were ready, they grabbed any equipment needed and their large backpacks before signalling the pilot they were ready. Tachanka pulled the exit door open then hopped out, holding his hand out in case his team mates needed assistance.

"Okay boys, let's do this!" He yelled with determination and the three grunted in response. Rushing over to the edge of the building, they latched the hooks of their roped onto the edge then secured them to their belts. Climbing over the edge, the four descended slowly being careful not to lose their footing.

Upon reaching the ground, they flicked their torches on and examined the area. The street was dead and there was no one in sight. They used this to their advantage as they hurried down the sidewalk. Turning the corner, they noticed the building. Two figures stood outside the entrance holding a large container of some sort. Tachanka signalled his team to take cover behind him before attaching a suppressor to his rifle. Aiming down his sights, he took a deep breath then landed a shot in both their heads before the other would even notice.

Once he gave them the all clear, they sprinted across to the building. Their heavy gear and large boots clacked around as they made their way over. Simultaneously, the four tossed their ropes up to the top of the building then secured them in their belts. Planting their feet securely on the wall, they began to ascend.

Their mission was to breach the roof, take out the top floor then make their way down to the third floor where Six's intel team located the bombs and equipment. The only problem was, this was a five story building so they had to clear three floors including their objective.

Once reaching the top, Jackal hurried over to a hatch and unfolded a breaching charge on top of it. Telling everyone to stand back, he detonated it with the remote control in his hand and the four hopped down one by one. Upon landing in an office area of some sort, an uproar of footsteps approached. Shit was about to get real...

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