Chapter 6 - A Broken Promise

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Jäger sprinted back to the room completely distraught. His best friend and crush broke a promise he trusted him to keep. He gave him a second chance but all he did was throw it down the drain, on the same day too.

He kicked his shoes off angrily, still sobbing and jumped into his bed. He engulfed himself in the warmth of his covers as he cried his eyes out into the pillow. Just when he thought Bandit would learn from his mistakes and actually try to become a better person, he completely gave up.

The saddest part for Jäger wasn't the fact that he used Blitz again, but the fact that he had sex with another man just when he thought they were going to begin their relationship. It was so heart wrenching to know the guy he liked so badly was sleeping with a teammate. Not that he wanted sex with Bandit, not yet at least, but how could they have a steady relationship when he'd basically ruined it before it even began.

"Oh Dom. Why?" He whispered in pain. His heart hurt, his head hurt, everything hurt. He felt weak and unable to function. All he could do was cry.

He tossed and turned, unable to get comfortable. His eyes were sore from crying and rubbing them so hard. He just wanted to sleep and forget this ever happened.

Remembering there were sleeping pills in one of the cabinets from Bandit if he ever had trouble sleeping, he got out of bed slowly, still sniffling.

He dragged his feet, exhausted from the tears over to the cabinet. Opening it up, he reached for the pills. He didn't bother checking the dosage on the box, so he shoved a couple in his mouth. He fetched a bottle of water from the fridge and gulped the pills down. Drowsy, he headed back to his bed. Soon enough, he drifted off.


Bandit awoke from a sudden ringing. It was Blitz's alarm clock again. He hit it a couple of times hoping it would shut up. He didn't sleep much last night. He was extremely worried about Jäger. He contemplated leaving in the middle of the night to check on him, but he didn't have the guts to. He didn't want to make things worse between them.

He turned to face Blitz. His arm was draped around him again and his expression as he slept made Bandit feel relaxed. He decided he'd wake him and thank him instead of just leaving. He had to make things right, everything right.

He gave Blitz a little shake and his eyelids fluttered open. He rubbed them and yawned, arching his back to stretch it. He looked at Bandit through his sleepy eyes and smiled.

"Morning," his voice voice raspy and dry. Bandit returned the smile and tucked a stray strand of hair behind Blitz's ear. He blushed.

"Thank you so much Blitz. I truly appreciate you letting me stay the night. I didn't deserve it what so ever after how badly i treated you," he thanked him with honesty and true gratitude.

"No Bandit, it's fine really. I understand you're not always in your tight mind, but hey I got some good sex so I'm a happy boy!" He exclaimed giggling and blushing. Always a joker.

Bandit let out a snicker and was extremely relieved that Blitz didn't hate him. He should hate him after what he did, but he was extremely lucky he didn't.

"Oh hush silly," he slapped his arm playfully. "Thanks for not taking this seriously. I felt so bad for using you and I was so scared you'd hate me." Blitz planted a kiss on his cheek.

"No worries you cutie. It's obvious you like Jäger anyways, I was just happy to have a nice fuck for once in a while," he explained half-jokingly. Bandit choked on air at the statement. It was obvious he liked Jäger? Really?

"You should go after him. I bet he's waiting for you big boy," Blitz suggested pointing towards the door.

"You're right! Thank you so much again, I'll return the favour somehow!" He kissed Blitz's cheek then jumped out of bed. Slipping his clothes on, he grabbed his phone to check the time; 9:34 am. He hoped Jäger was awake.

Thanking Blitz one last time, he left the room and head down the hall way. His fleet feet sped up with excitement. He was ready to clear everything up and start over.

When approaching the room, he took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Pulling the handle the door clicked, and he stepped inside. The tv was still playing from last night for some reason.

He headed over to the coffee table where two pizza boxes sat. Opening both he realised the pizza was still uneaten. He began to worry, a bad feeling forming in the pit of his stomach.

He had to go check on Jäger. Walking over to his bed, he saw him all snuggled up, but as he got closer, a horrible smell filled his nostrils. He almost gagged at the stench and dashed over to Jäger.

All he saw was Jäger looking completely lifeless and laying in a puddle of vomit and blood. The sight horrified Bandit. He collapsed to his knees and broke out into tears. Crawling closer to the bed, he ran his hand through Jäger's soft hair. Tears streamed as he felt for a pulse. By some miracle, Jäger was alive, he still had a pulse and his chest was moving up and down. Bandit was so thankful he didn't choke on his vomit. He wondered what could have triggered him to vomit so violently.

He wanted to get Jäger to the hospital as soon as possible, but he couldn't drive and carrying him there was physically impossible, so he decided to phone for an ambulance while he searched the room for clues.

Everything looked just the same as when he left. Entering the kitchen, he noticed a cabinet door was open. He examined thoroughly, eventually noticing that his sleeping pills were out of place and on the bottom shelf. He slipped the packet out of the box to check if any were missing. Bandit had taken two the other night before bed and that's all. Counting them, he noticed eight were missing. He broke down again when realising what had happened.

Jäger had overdosed on sleeping medication and his life was potentially in danger.

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