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"What would you like to drink?" Lucifer asks me. I deny any beverage or food he offers. I know the story of Persephone. With each passing moment Seraphina becomes more and more uncomfortable. I walk beside her and hold her hand so she won't be so scared. She looks up at me and I smile. She calms down a little until Lucifer smiles at the sight me holding her hand. I grip her hand a little tighter to give her reassurance.

"What do you want with me?" I demand of Lucifer. "I want to learn more about the man who beat my son and what reward I can give him" he replies. "Reward?" I ask and he nods. "In Hell If you defeat one of my sons than you get any reward you desire" he explains. I think about my options but my thoughts are interrupted when I feel Seraphina's hand slip from mine.

I look down at her but she won't look me in the eyes. "You said I can have any reward I want?" I ask to clarify and he nods. I smile knowing just what to ask Lucifer looks at me suspiciously. "For my reward I want two rewards" I say holding up two fingers "and before you say I can't know you are wrong because one reward can turn into two if the rewardie wants it to" I reply. Lucifer looks impressed than laughs. "Your smart boy ok, fine what two rewards do you want?" He asks smiling.

"For my first reward I want me and Seraphina here to have our souls back on earth and my second wish is for me and Seraphina to be free from your control over our souls" I say pulling Seraphina close to me. Out of the corner of my eye I see her look up at me. Lucifer laughs again and says "ok" he snaps his fingers and I'm back where I died. I look to my side and see Seraphina staring at me in shock. "I look at my bod and see that everything has healed and all that's left are scars.

I look around and see the girls and over them is Mark he lifts his sword preparing to kill them. I draw my sword and rush at him. I stab him through the chest. He looks back shocked before disappearing altogether. I free everyone and give them hugs. "H-how are you alive?!" Rias asks shocked. "Well... its a long story" I reply then catch them up on what happens the short time I was away.

After introducing Explaining everything and introducing them to Seraphina I bring Seraphina up to speed. "What is the first thing you would like to do as a free woman?" I ask her. She grabs my shirt tightly but shyly and looks at me over her eyelashes. "You" she says softly but clearly and my heart pounds.

I lift her hands from my shirt and take a step back. "That's.... that's a pretty big deal are you sure want to do that...?" I ask trying to calm down. If I was in the DxD world I would have died from blood loss. She nods still looking adorably sexy. "Am I not good enough...?" She asks pouting. I clear my throat "That's uh... that's not the problem.... the .... um...." I try to find something to say but with everyone watching and Seraphina being this close all I can think is trying to stop my own biological reaction.

"Your a virgin..." she says shocked all I can do is nod. She lifts herself up to her toes and whispers in my ear "you don't have to be for
long" she winks with her cheek against mine. She finally lets herself down and smiles up at me. "Is it just me or did your personality do a 180?" I ask no one in perticular. I just want to stop thinking about what happens before I do something I may regret. "In Hell I was shy and timid because I was a low level succubus who was either shunned or tortured by other demons." She explains.

I pull her into a hug "I'm so sorry" I mumble into her hair. "Thank you for freeing me" she says hugging me back. I take a deep breadth and step back. "If there is one thing I have learned from all this" I look around at them all " is that I need to become far more powerful than I am now" I open a portal "I sill be gone for a while and I'll contact you when I'm back. Goddess take everyone to a safe location" she nods.

"Devin... there is something you should know... something that I didn't realize until now" Goddess stops me "The katana that Mark had... Devin he had your katana" I nod in understanding but I don't understand at all. I can't think about that now I need more power. I step through the portal and decide to focus on one problem at a time.

"I appear in a market district in what I think may be Tokyo but I was never good at geography or directions. I'm not even there a minute before alarms go off everywhere. Warning Spacequake! warning spacequake! Please proceed to your closest safety bunker!

I remember now. I remember where I am. I'm in Date a Live.... there is one power I can have but I need to see it.

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