Devin is an otaku who wishes to be in the anime world with all his might, but knows it will never happen. Until one day a girl appears and shows him how to go to this world but at a cost. He takes the chance and winds up in the world of Highschool D...
"Devin wake up" I open my eyes and see my mom at the door "wake up or your gonna be late" she says.
"Would that be so bad?" I say "It was a joke!" I say when I see her face change into an angry expression, never mess with your mom or anyone else's.
"It better be or you'll go to school with bruises" she says warning me but I know she wont hit, but to be safe I get up and stretch. She leaves to allow me privacy. I look around my room at the Posters on the ceiling of my favorite anime characters. The manga on the book shelf, along with the dvds from anime shows and vocaloid songs, English and sub. The computer on the desk still showing last nights anime. My mom says that anime is something I need to grow out of, but she doesn't understand it's not for kids... she would if she looked under my bed where I have a poster of Akeno from Highschool DxD, and in my closet where I keep a couple more ecchi posters.
After I shower and put on jeans and a white button up with black stripes (below) I decide I look good, with my dirty blond hair and hazel eyes which somehow girls like. I wish I wasn't so skinny! I am 5 foot 8 inches and only weigh 130 pounds, and I am very pale! I try not to let this ruin my days, and I succeed very well.
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I walk down the stairs and step into the kitchen, there my sister is finishing up her breakfast. "Hey little girl!" I say sitting down at the empty seat with food at begin eating.
"Don't call me that I am only 2 years younger than you, you know" she says in an annoyed voice "you better eat because you doing the dishes" I groan
"Sh*t.... ok" thankfully mom's gone or I would gotten a lecture, a few seconds later I'm finished and bring my dishes to the sink "You could of at least rinsed them!" I yell at my sister who went upstairs.
"Why? Your just gonna put them in the dishwasher" true but still, after rinsing and putting everything in the dishwasher and leave. The bus ride was boring as always, meaning I slept the whole way to school.
(Time skip to lunch)
I sit down at a table and begin eating my, school made pizza. "Devin, did you see the new episode last night?" I turn around and see one of my few friends Matt like usual he's wearing a 90's band shirt, this one Metallica, jeans and a deadpool hoodie.
"Which one?" I ask confused
"Super's" oh dragon balls supers "how many new episodes did you watch?" he asks
"Yeah I saw it, and I watched probably 50" I say shrugging
"Dude that's a lot!" He says surprised "how can you watch so much?"
"I enjoy doing it so it's not a bother, like people can play video games for days" I reply
I met Matt this year, my last year of high school, he's a junior who transferred here. Were both in culinary class, and from the first conversation we were friends. He knows I am an otaku like I know that he loves rock music from the 80's and 90's. Matt is 5 foot 6 or 7, with brown hair, and brown eyes.