My dream?

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It's my first day at Kuoh Academy! This is awesome! Now all I need is to be accepted into the gremmory clan... but how?! Oh, wait if I have a powerful sacred gear they will want to take me in! OK what sacred gear should I have...hmm let's see here Issei's is one of the most powerful... so I will have a dragon type with my own changes. I don't know if it will manifest it's own history or not, but I'll make something up, if I need to.

(Time skip to outside classroom)

I close my eyes and manifest my sacred gear, but as I am still human only it's power shows and only to those who can sense... like Issei's did. I knock on the door and wait... oh sh*t what if I'm not actually enrolled here. I pray to the goddess to help me. I here a sigh and I think I'm good. "come in" a female voice says. I walk in and see that I'm I the same class as Issei and the others, thanks goddess! "alright students we have a student transferring today.... go ahead and introduce yourself" the teacher says.

"Hello my name is Devin Waughtel, I am from America. As you can see I speak Japanese fluently so please don't be afraid to talk to me" I say

"Alright Devin, you can sit down near Issei. He is the boy with brown hair by the window" the teacher says

I nod and move to the indicated spot two seats away from Issei. OK they should notice it soon, and if they don't I'll just increase the power I am outputting.

(Time skip to lunch)

After getting food from the cafeteria I decide to walk already for lunch. Walking around I hear the girls talking. They think I can't hear them but I can.. somehow I always could tell when someone was talking about me. "Isn't that the new kid? He's cute" "I hope he doesn't turn out like those perverts... it would be such a shame" So the girls have good opinions of me... I wonder how long that will last. I continue to walk around. I spot a tree with branches close to my height and decide to climb it and eat up there. I always did like climbing trees.

After I finished my bread, which was pretty good. I decide to go to the school roof, but on the way there I see Matsuda and Motohama, it looks like their going to the girls kendo club... again... I sigh. Oh well it would be entertaining to follow them and see what happens. At last they reach the club building looking at brings back memories but of what? Oh yeah this is the place that-

"Whose there?!" the girls shout and I laugh

"Lets make this interesting" I mumble. I come out of hiding and say "Ladies!"

"Arent you the new kid?" the say pissed "Were you peeking?"

"No that was two other boys, one had very short dark hair and the other had glasses and short black or dark brown hair... that's all I could tell because as the starting running as soon as I got close enough to see." I say testing to see what I could do, and staring because I can see everything and it's great. Luckily I didn't get a bloody nose.

"Thanks.... what's your name?" The girl who yelled at Matsuda and Motohama asks.

"Devin, Devin Waughtel and nice to meet you...." I drop off waiting.

"Azusa my name is Azusa Chika, I am the leader of the Kendo club" She says with obvious pride even though she is standing there in her underwear.... some good underwear it is too. I better leave I'm in danger of getting a bloody nose but I have one last question.

"Kendo club.... is there a boy kendo club?" I ask I'm gonna need this in some other worlds... as well as this one.

"Yes there is, it should be listed on the school club board" Azusa says.

"Thanks" I say and leave going to find that board. On the way there I see Matsuda and Motohama again, this time with Issei. I walk over, "You know you guys don't know how to peep at all" I say when I get close to them. They just stay at me with a confused expression. "I saw you guys at the girls kendo club... I had a talk with them, and got some nice views WITHOUT getting in any danger" I say

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