I'm In the Club ;)

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The rest of the day went by like usual. After school I started handing out flyers. The next week went by with no changes, until Saturday when Akeno wakes me up. Akeno waking you up is something you want to remember. Her version of waking you up is laying on top of you and running her hand down your chest and biting your ear. I was awake as soon as she laid on top of me but I pretended to be asleep but when she bit my ear my nose bled and Ihad to open my eyes I pretended to be surprised but I don't think I fooled her because of the small smile that's on her face.

"Why are you on top of me?" I ask "Is it a special occasion?" she laughs and I smile. "You could say that" she says "We're going to the underworld to get you a familiar" she purrs. I really have to be careful with her or I may die from blood loss. She finally gets off me and I get ready, I am so glad I wore shorts to bed. I take a shower and am in the kitchen ready in 15 minutes.

I see everyone's in the kitchen ready to go. "I'm ready" I say excitedly with out further ado (wanted to say that) Rias opens a magick circle and we land in the underworld. This part looks like a jungle. "Devin your familiar will be your servant and will do various things for you" Rias explains

I walk around and the others follow me. I could hear Rias speaking more but I'm not listening. I follow my gut trying to find a good familiar. I close my eyes and relax but keep moving eventually I stop and open my eyes. I find myself in front of a cave I start to move into it but Koneko grabs my arm. "I wouldn't go in there" she says with her emotionless voice.

"Why? What's in there?" I ask and she shrugs. "No one knows but everyone who goes in there doesn't come out." she says. I think about what she said, I cant rely on the goddess anymore... but I feel like I need to go in there... that I'm the only one who can...

Well... when in hell do as the devils do. I walk into the cave and am instantly blinded by darkness. "Well this sucks" I sigh and continue forward humming Dory's 'Just keep swimming'. Why? Because why not? I soon lost track of time... 20 minutes...30..... an hour? "Maybe I should head back now this is taking to long" I say.

"Your so impatient" a voice says. I shrug "Well I have been here for a while. So are you gonna show yourself or not?" I ask looking around. Suddenly light bathes the room "Ugh" I groan covering my eyes "A little warning would be nice". I slowly lower my arm and blink slowly adjusting to the light. When I can finally see again I find that there are still dark patches here and there but some torches have been lit. In the middle of the cave stands a person with long black hair, red eyes, and pale skin. I cant tell if it's a man or a women.

I can tell the persons short maybe 5'5. That isn't necessary short but it's shorter than me. Hopefully this isn't a trap. I hate traps they try to fool men but traps are gay (yes they are) which is why they are called traps.... at least this is true. "What's your name?" I ask

"Izanami-no-Mikoto and yours?" she/he asks with an I-am-better-than-you-so-you-must-do-as-I-say attitude. "My names Devin Waughtel. You the one who called me here?" I reply with the same attitude he/she glares and I smile. "Yes I am" is her reply "I wanted to see what kind of man you are before I become your familiar" she replies haughtily and walks around me.

"Do you like what you see?" I ask rising one eyebrow and cross my arms. He/she smiles "No". I uncross my arms "OK have a nice day" I say and begin to walk away. "Wait" he/she yells and I stop "I'll become your familiar" he/she grumbles and I laugh "What?".

"I cant believe you fell for that!" I begin to laugh harder after a moment I stop laughing and say "Come on it's a little depressing in ere and I want you to meet my friends" I smile and hold out my hand. He/she hesitates but takes my hand and we begin walking out of the cave. I look at her in the corner of my eye and see that she's definitely a she. Since she was hiding in the shadows I couldn't really make out her figure but with her right next to me I can see her breasts and if I lean back enough her nice ass. (Below)

It takes a short time to get out of the cave than it did getting in

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It takes a short time to get out of the cave than it did getting in. When we step out of the cave everyone looks relieved. "Hey guys sorry I took so long. On the bright side this is my familiar her name is Iza-Chan!" I say smiling and moving my arms like I'm on a gam show and she's the prize. "My name is Izanami-no-Mikoto!" she glares at me. "Right Iza-Chan" I say just to annoy her. I look at my friends and see they have a shocked look on their faces "What?" I ask. 

"Do you know who Izanami-no-Mikoto is?!" they practically yell at me. "No not really" I turn toward Iza-Chan "Who are you?". She looks down and mumbles "I am he goddess of death".

Well that explains the reaction "Oh that makes sense. That's why your so hot because your a goddess" I say and she looks up at me shocked. "Did you hear me! I'm the goddess of death! I kill people and guide there souls to the afterlife!"

"Yeah I heard you and I don't really care if your a goddess of death. That doesn't mean you a bad person because of what your job is... besides I always imagined death as a kind person." I look down at her " It doesn't look like I was wrong either" I finish smiling down at her. She looks shocked than her eyes fill with tears. I hug her while she cries.

"Me and you... we're gonna have a lot of fun.

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