Chapter 3

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Harry's P.O.V:

I pushed my hands into my pockets as I walked through the school gates on that cold, early morning; taking in my surroundings to avoid the nervous thoughts in my head.

When I got to the entrance of the school Louis was standing there with the school's Janitor. He was wearing the schools sport jersey and when he turned to look at me his blue eyes pierced into me; forcing me to look anywhere but his stare.

"You're late!" He spat at me.

"Actually, it's only just 6:30 so you're early mate" I retorted with a light smirk.

"Shut up boys," the janitor groaned as he unlocked the school.

"Come with me" he said before walking through.

I glanced over at Louis before following the man close behind, keeping a good distance from Louis.

When we got to the cafeteria he unlocked the door and turned to face us; rubbing his unshaved chin.

"Right, you two have until school starts to clean this mess up. There's cleaning tools in there for you and the principal told me to inform you that the two of you will be spending every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the next month in here after school, cleaning. Enjoy" he said with a nod before walking off.

I was the first one to walk into the room. Going straight to the cleaning supplies and grabbing a mop. I wanted to get it done as quick as possible. It seemed highly doubtful seeings how I didn't even fucking know how to use a mop.

I started straight away and of course Louis took his bloody time, going slowly with everything and doing a shit job.

"You know this all your fault right? You dickhead." He said and I rolled my eyes. I had only known this guy for three days and I could not stand him.

"Is it too hard for you to go even two seconds without abusing me?" I asked him angrily.

He put his hands up in the air, "fine, lets have a conversation then." He suggested and I shrugged; continuing at my attempt to mop.

"You're from Cheshire aren't you?" He asked me and I swear to god my heart skipped a beat.

How would he know that? There's no way he could've heard of me right?

I began to over-think. Maybe that's why he was horrible to me. He knew what happened. How the hell would he know?

"How'd you know?" I asked him as casually as possible. He looked slightly uncomfortable with my question.

"You have the accent. Y'know, the posh-ish one that you lads have." He explained and I felt the weight fall off my shoulders.

"Oh yeah," I said in a quieter tone. I found myself racking my brain for things to talk to him about so I could hear his voice a bit more.

"Uhm so what's up with you and that brunette chick, you two dating or something?" I asked.

"Who, Eleanor? Oh yeah she's my girlfriend." He said and I winced.

"Why, you jealous?" He asked and my eyes widened slightly.

Was he asking me if I was jealous that Eleanor had him.

"What?" I asked.

"Are you jealous of me? Having the hottest chick in school and all" he explained and I felt slightly disappointed for some reason.

"Oh, uhm no. I mean she's pretty but she's not my type." I told him.

"Well what's your type then?" He asked.

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