Chapter 4

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Harry's P.O.V:

I woke up that morning with a jump in my step and I had more energy than I had had all week. I couldn't help the constant smile on my face as I got ready for school.

As soon as I was ready I grabbed my bag and took the steps two at a time to get out of the house.

"Harry, Are you going to have breakfast before you go?" My mom said and I turned to look at her.

"No, I'm uhm.. Not hungry" I told her and flashed a light smile as she stepped towards me.

"You're in quite a rush today" she pointed out.

"Just don't want to be late" I told her.

"You look so bright today Harry." She said and pinched my cheeks.

"I'm in a good mood." I informed her.

"I see that" she agreed.

"Is their maybe a someone special?" She questioned. My stomach tilted slightly and I looked down.

"Oh, no mom. There's no one" I told her.

"I really have to go mom" I told her; stepping towards the door.

"Have a good day" she said with a bright smile and I nodded before leaving.

I walked off our property and made my way to the bus stop.

My mom had been right, there was a certain someone, but there was no way in hell that I was ever going to admit that.

I stood at the bus stop and the wind blew harshly. I continuously had to push my hair out of my eyes as the wind refused to give in.

Eventually the bus came to a stop in front of me and I got on and paid before making my way to my seat at the back.

I scanned the bus. I saw Louis' friends and Eleanor but not Louis. He wasn't on the bus.

My stomach dropped slightly with disappointment. He wasn't coming to school?

I held on to the hope that he was just running late. That he'd saunter through the door during morning prayer with his signature playful grin and his blue eyes would maybe even catch my green ones.

I hated that I thought that way. I absolutely loathed it. Shouldn't I be thinking like that about the girls in my class? Not him. I'm not... That word.

I got to school and the crowds of kids sat in groups outside of the school. I never really understood why everyone sat outside before school. It was cold outside but I guess the over-use of white inside the building made them as sick as it made me.

I never really felt comfortable sitting outside though; seeings how I had no one to sit with.

It only occurred to me in that moment that I hadn't even attempted to make friends since I started that week but I didn't care as much as I should've.

I didn't need friends.


He didn't show up during morning prayer like I had hoped. He hadn't shown up at all. I spent the whole day keeping a constant eye out for the boy with the blue eyes.

Not seeing him even once had made my whole day turn to shit. I was in a horrible mood and it was pouring down with rain .

I hadn't brought money for the bus because I was hoping he'd catch me walking home and walk with me.

I knew I was living in a dream world as I walked home alone in the pouring rain. This wasn't the way I was supposed to be thinking towards him, towards any guy in general. I wasn't supposed to be this way. It wasn't right.

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