Chapter 10

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Harry's POV:

On Thursday night, after dinner, I sat with my books and tried to get some homework done but I kept getting distracted by my notifications. Louis continuously sent me links to videos that he thought were funny and I couldn't get anything done but I didn't exactly mind too much.

I received another message from him, "actually answer your phone when I call this time" it read.

He had tried to call me twice but I continued to tell him I was busy with my homework.

Seconds later my phone rang and I grabbed it from the desk and answered.

"Babe" Louis greeted me and I smiled lightly.

"Hey Lou" I replied softly as I rested the phone between my ear and my shoulder so I didn't need to use my hands.

"Can you come over and hang out with me please." He asked lightly.

"It's already 9 Louis, we have school tomorrow" I explained with a light sigh.

"Harry, there are 24 hours in a day, we spend 6 of them pretending and that leaves us with only 18 hours to ourselves. I'd like to be able to spend those 18 hours with you." He rambled on.

"I'll only be able to be there for like an hour" I argued but the smile on my face was evident.

"You can sleepover. My mom's cool with that." He said casually.

"I guess I can ask, hold on" I said and I put the phone down and left my room; running down the stairs and into the living room where my parents were watching tv.

"Mom, I know it's a school night but can I sleep over my friends house?" I asked with a smile.

My mother looked over to me and quickly back to her husband before turning her attention to me once again.

"Is this, this best friend you were talking about?" She questioned and I nodded.

"Sure, but you have to promise me that you'll actually get some sleep for school" she said with a smile.

"I promise mom" I said and I could feel my smile grow.

"I'll drop you off" she said and I shook my head.

"No mom that's fine, he doesn't live far I'll walk" I cut her off and ran back upstairs.

I got to my room and held my phone to my ear.



"I'll be over in 10 minutes." I told him.

"Great" he replied and after we ended the call I grabbed my bag and put my school clothes in and all my stuff I needed to get ready for the next day and extra clothes.

I slipped on my shoes and I left the house straight away.

I walked down the path that was lit only by the lights on the sidewalk as quickly as I could to get to Louis' house that was possibly the only house on the street that still had their lights on.

I walked up to the door and hesitated before knocking lightly. I waited but there was no answer.

Just as I was about to knock again the door opened and I was greeted by Louis' face.

"Come in." He said with a smile before stepping to the side. I nodded lightly and wiped my shoes on the mat before walking into the house.

"Oh, welcome!" I heard a voice say as a middle aged women walked into view in a dressing gown.

"I'm Johannah, Louis' mom" she said and held her hand out and I shook it lightly. I felt slightly nervous meeting his mom as he just stood back and watched.

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