Chapter 6

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Louis' POV:

I couldn't exactly tell you how many hours went by as I constantly picked apart the curly haired boy with numerous questions.

Don't ask me why I wanted to ask him all the questions that I did, maybe it was for my own sick entertainment, maybe there was no real reason at all but I can tell you that every time I saw his green eyes widen with surprise when I asked him a question it made me want to ask him more.

It slowly turned into me asking him stupid things like what his favourite colour was, or what type of pizza he would order and it's amazing how much you can learn about someone if you just listen.

A smile tugged at the edges of my lips as I heard his stomach growl and his cheeks turned a very light shade of pink.

"You hungry mate?" I questioned with a cheeky grin.

"Sort of, yeah" he muttered; drawing patterns on the table with his finger.

I slowly began looking at the details of his hands. A few rings rested randomly on his fingers and he wore a silver, expensive-looking wrist watch that he continued to cover up by pulling his sweater sleeves to cover it until the whole of his wrists were engulfed in the sweater. Why did he constantly adjust it like that?

I also didn't quite understand why he wore a wrist watch when he had a phone? I could never get why people in general did that.

"Do you wanna go get something to eat? I've been inhaling the smell of coffee for way too long" I said with a light laugh.

"Maybe I should just eat at home" he said; looking uncomfortable as he avoided my gaze.

"Why would you wanna do that for? Don't be such a loser" I teased him and took the opportunity to lean over and mess up the front of his hair.

The way his bottom lip popped as he pouted and attempted to fix his hair gave me a weird sense of comfort.

"I dunno, I think my mom would want me home for lunch" he said and looked down as his picked at his nails.

I rolled my eyes, "fine loser, I'll walk you home I guess." I said "you know, so the little curly haired boy doesn't get kidnapped or something" I added to make the situation seem more casual.

"You treat me like I'm a 12 year old" he said; rolling his eyes as we stood from the table.

"That's cause you act like one" I told him with a playful laugh as we exited the cafe.

"I do not!" He complained with furrowed eyebrows.

"You whine like one, that's for sure" I teased him further.

As we began to walk back to his house our conversation faded into comfortable silence as I listened to the sound of his stupid brown boots coming into contact with the ground.

His jeans hugged the lower half of his body tightly and showed the shape of his legs. The complete opposite of his sweater that was baggy and too big for him. I didn't notice how intensely I was analyzing him until I got caught; hearing him clear his throat uncomfortably.

"You right?" He questioned me with an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, uhm your sweaters' cool" I stuttered trying to make it seem like a normal thing to stare at your friends clothes, or maybe it was his body I was staring at.

"I didn't think you were I sweater kind of guy Louis" he said with a smile.

"You don't know too much about me Harry" I reminded him.

"touché" he said plainly with a shrug.

We arrived at his house, that was different to what I expected. I didn't know what I had expected but it wasn't that.

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