Chapter 2

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Drew's POV

I talked to Paul, Ash and Gary about the situation that had just been discussed in the throne room. I hadn't meant to eavesdrop on their little conversation but I had become curious when my father, King Cilan had mentioned the forest. Being a prince was extremely difficult. We had many routines we needed to fulfill meaning we were busy almost 24/7 around the palace. The mentioning of the forest was the perfect opportunity to ask if we could go.

"So basically you want us four to go to the forest and inspect it instead of the soldiers just so we can get outside of this castle?" Gary asked for clarification with me responding with a nod.

"A very bold decision. I'm in!" Gary smirked.

"Me too! I hate being stuck in this place. Plus, mother has been constantly nagging about me finding a wife to rule the kingdom alongside you guys. If I hear her say anything anymore, I think I'm just going to curl up in a ball and die." Ash agreed.

"Alright." Paul said with a small nod.

I grinned and stood up. "Let's go talk to the adults now. The sooner we go, the more time we get to spend in the forest."

"But think about this Drew, whoever stole the food are probably thieves. That means the forest could very well be dangerous if you think about it. I've heard thieves these days can be quite the challenge." Paul stated.

"Hm. You are correct on that one Paul. But we can handle it." I pointed out.

"Hmph. Do whatever you want then." Paul responded.

After we discussed a bit further into what we planned on doing, I went to the throne room with the other three. I put my ear to the door and heard hushed voices speaking amongst each other in the room. We had our fingers crossed that this would all go according to plan. Ash knocked loudly on the door, signalling our arrival to the throne room.

"You may come in!" The familiar voice of my father boomed in echo throughout the building.

The four of us walked into the throne room with our hands behind our bags in a formal way and we stepped towards our parents. King Reggie looked at his brother Paul with a raised eyebrow while Paul just shrugged and gestured to myself. Queen Delia looked confused and stared at her son Ash while King Blue stood up tall, not acknowledging Gary's presence fully as if in deep thought. My father just narrowed his eyes at me.

"What is it you want, princes?" King Cilan asked in a commanding tone.

"I'm sorry for eavesdropping but I overheard your conversation with the soldier earlier about clearing out the forest for thieves." I started.

My father gave me a disapproving look while I took a deep breath and continued.

"I was wondering if myself and Prince Gary, Ash and Paul could go investigate ourselves for any signs of humans within the forest." I explained.

"Absolutely not. You have duties to fulfill and we have plenty of soldiers and guards capable of investigating the forest on their own." King Cilan said sternly.

"I don't know, it doesn't sound like a bad idea." Reggie spoke up while my father glared at him.

"It could be some valuable experience for them." Blue backed us up, finally snapping out of his thoughts. He grinned at Gary.

"I agree with them. You should let these princes have a moment of freedom to explore as well. It's quite a good idea." Delia agreed.

"I suppose just this once." My father said thoughtfully. "But if you are to not return until midnight, you will receive a punishment. That means extra chores and absolutely no breaks between. You shall begin the search tomorrow morning. I expect you to be up and early."

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