Chapter 12

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May's POV

After leaving Leaf alone to head to the food table, I found myself eating different assortments of food. Ones that I hadn't eaten since the fall of my kingdom. I glanced to my left to see Misty dancing with prince Ash and she actually seemed to be enjoying herself. I knew Dawn was also watching them as I saw her spying from the corner of the ballroom with sharp eyes. I could already see her cheering to herself in satisfaction.

As I finished eating some pasta, I felt someone approaching me but I didn't move anyway.

"May?" A familiar voice questioned from behind me causing me to spin around in surprise as no one but the girls knew my name, except for one person.

"B-Brendan!" I stuttered as I looked at the prince in recognition.

"May! It really is you." He exclaimed cheerfully and I nodded uncertainly.

"Where have you been all this time? I thought you were gone!? You know, we've all been worried sick after we found out about your kingdom. And your family too." He spoke rapidly making me stare at him, dumbfounded. He continued. "You don't know how much our family has missed your visits. I miss my old friend! So much has happened since you've been gone!" He exclaimed and before I knew what was happening, he wrapped me in an extremely tight hug.

"Uh Yeah I've missed you too." I said awkwardly and winced as his hug tightened then he finally let go.

For a few more long minutes, he continued to rant about what life has been like at his own kingdom which was now being overrun by a different kingdom of some sort and I was surprised that he wasn't concerned about it. He told me about his experiences in this kingdom and began ranting on about how much his parents missed me as well.

"So May, how's it been not being known as a princess?" He asked after taking a breath from all his ranting.

"Better than Royal life." He stared at me questioningly but I shrugged it off and continued to speak. "Please, Whatever you do, don't tell anyone I'm a princess." I pleaded my old friend who looked at me in concern.

"Why?" He asked me curiously, forgetting about my previous statement.

"I don't want to be seen differently. It'll be odd." I explained and felt the urge to move away from Brendan.

"So, where have you been all this time?" He repeated his question and I felt suddenly pressured. He was looking at me expectantly as though he were desperate to know and I just gazed into his eyes uncertainly. "Well?"

Before I could speak, my words became lost in my mouth as I felt someone glaring holes into my head. I quickly uttered a small apology to Brendan and excused myself to look back at the boy who was burning my head with his glares. Gosh I wonder who it is?

"What is it, greenie?" I asked the boy, more like Prince who continued to glare at me like I was his worst enemy. I wouldn't admit it, but I was kind of glad that he saved me there. But I could feel his fury on me which didn't make it better.

"Prince Andrew, you were interrupting us." Brendan spoke seriously as though our conversation was the most important one in the world. I almost screamed in irritation but I stopped when I saw Prince Andrew turn to face Brendan instead of me. His glare turned from normal to furious making Brendan back away slightly.

"What's up with the glaring?" He questioned his fellow prince who continued to stare him down.

Brendan realised something then began to creep away, his eyes wide in fear.

"I'll talk to you later May!" He exclaimed before hurrying off into the crowd of people who were dancing.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and then glanced back at the greenheaded prince and my mouth turned to the shape of an 'o' as I realised what was happening. Drew's glare had turned from glare to scowl which looked terrifying and would cause anyone to cower in fear. I began shifting my feet awkwardly as Drew continued to stare at me for the longest of time.

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