Chapter 9

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Ash's POV

Today was just another normal, boring day in the kingdom. We were doing our usual jobs. Preparing for the ball that was happening tomorrow. Everyone was currently rushing around the castle in panic as preparations were not finished yet.

As for the boys and myself, we were busy finishing off our punishment. The punishment was to end after the ball was over. But for now, I was in the stables taking care of Pika.

"How are you doing boy." I said rubbing the mane of my horse. It gave a neigh in response and I just smiled at it.

"Cute horse, don't you think." A voice said from behind me.

I spun around in surprise. It was only meant to be me out here in the stables today. But this voice was feminine and definitely not Iris.

"Who's there?" I called to the shadows before peering around a tree.

"So. You're one of the princes of the Kingdom of Stars?" The unknown voice asked me.

"Yes." I gulped as I heard a rustle in the bushes and all the horses moved uneasily.

"Nice to meet you again. Alf." I spun around as I felt a tap on my shoulders and I was met with these beautiful Cerulean eyes.

"Who are you?" I asked them trying to pry her for her name.

"That's for me to know, and for you to find out." She smiled at me.

I felt like I was melting in her presence. Her orange hair was sparkling in the sunlight and her eyes glistened. This girl looked like a princess.

"I must go now." She said but not before flashing me an award winning smile.

I felt like I could melt like butter on a stove right now. My heart was fluttering strangely. Was it because I haven't eaten yet that I felt like this?

"Hey Ashy boy! Wake up!" Gary's annoying voice said followed by a slap in the face.


My eyes shot open and I glared at the boy looking at me.

"You know, in your sleep your eyes were open and you were just staring dreamily at the ceiling." He smirked at me while I just scowled at his ugly face.

"Way to ruin a good dream." I mumbled grumpily as I stumbled out of bed with Gary walking out my bedroom door chuckling.

By the time I reached the dining hall, everyone was hurrying around holding onto decorations and trays of food. I stared at each of the food trays and felt like drooling. My stomach growled in hunger and several maids stopped to stare at me with odd looks on their faces.

"Proceed." I commanded as they continued to stare at me and my screaming stomach.

I felt myself turn red in embarrassment as some snickered at me.

"Morning Ash. Are you ready for the ball?" I heard someone approach from behind me. I spun around to see that it was Brendan.

"Yep. I don't know how to dance though. So that's a problem." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Maybe you should ask Iris for dance lessons. I heard she's the best dancer in this Kingdom." Brendan informed me and I put it into consideration.

"I'll ask her about it during breakfast." I said before walking off to the dining table where everyone was already eating.

They were all discussing things about the ball. I overheard Drew speaking to Gary about how he didn't know what to wear while Gary looked extremely nervous.

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