Chapter 13

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Dawn's POV

Leaving Misty alone, I had gone to the back of the ballroom where I could spy on her without her knowing. I know it sounded kind of like stalking, but I had to make sure Misty actually enjoyed herself this time unlike the last ball she attended. As I watched that Prince walk up to her, I knew everything was going fine. Well, until I realised he wasn't there for her but actually for the food. I would've gone over there and knocked some sense into him to make him actually notice Misty but I stopped when I saw another guy with her.

Yes I watched everything happen. I watched it to the point that the prince was dancing with her at the end. I cheered at my accomplishments which was basically leaving Misty alone with some random strangers so she could enjoy herself. As I cheered, I noticed May looking at me from the food table in amusement as she saw what I'd been doing.

"Hey there!" A happy voice called out to me interrupting my little cheering session.

I immediately spun around to the source of the voice and I found myself looking into familiar purple eyes. I almost spoke her name out loud then realised that she hadn't actually met me. She'd only met me in disguise.

"Hey!" I greeted her in the same tone of voice she had greeted me in.

"How do you like the ball so far?" She asked me and I just shrugged and smiled.

"I'm forcing my friends to have fun. So far I'm doing a pretty good job." I said and gave a little thumbs up.

"What's your name?" Now that's the question I was dreading. Should I tell her my real name or not? I mean I guess there are a lot of people with the name Dawn out there.

What could go wrong?

"My name's Dawn." I told her and like before, I felt regret in telling her.

"Dawn..." The princess tapped her chin a couple of times before having a little light-bulb moment. "I met someone the other day with the exact same name! It's just, you don't look like her." She said but then thought again after staring at my face for awhile.

I started getting nervous. If this girl was smart, she'd realise my facial features would be the same. Plus my disguise didn't include eye contacts so she could recognise me a bit easier now. I should've worn contacts that day. She looked even closer at me and her eyes widened slightly then she squinted at my eyes.

"You're the same person aren't you?" Amethyst asked me and I stared at her and shook my head. "Don't lie to me. You're trembling with nerves." She stated and I looked at my hands to realise she was right. I was shaking too much which gave me away.

"You got me there." I said then whispered. "Please, whatever you do, don't tell anyone that I'm the same person."

"You have a deal my friend!" She announced happily then she glanced at one side of the ballroom where she jumped up and down even more.

I looked to where she had directed her gaze to and I almost squealed in excitement. There was May and that green haired prince walking out of the ballroom together. I could see that the other prince, I think his name was Brendan, was scowling at them as they exited and I glared at him. He better not get in the way of those two.

"Oh Drew has a lot to talk about next time I speak to him." Amethyst smirked cheekily.

As we talked to each other, I noticed a black haired boy with glasses walking up to Amethyst. It was that same kid who had dragged her away last time.

"Hi there. I'm sorry to interrupt, but Amethyst, Gary and Ash are on the dance floor with some girls right now and you have to see it." He exclaimed before pulling away the girl once again who just mouthed a farewell to me.

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