Chapter 11

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Misty's POV

I watched as May and Leaf disappeared from my sight as Dawn forcefully dragged me through the crowd in attempt to make me enjoy myself.

"Dawn!" I whined at her and she just shook her head before taking me to the food table.

"I'm going to stay here by your side until you either find someone to talk to, or pretend to enjoy yourself." Dawn told me sternly and I winced as she gripped onto my arm so I couldn't move. This girl sure had an iron grip, and her hand was going to leave a hand print if she didn't let go soon.

"Dawn, I'll find a way to enjoy myself. Can you please let go of me? You're going to stop my blood circulation." I said and squirmed under her grip while she loosened her hand a bit but didn't let go.

"Someone's coming this way!" Dawn murmured in my ear before letting go of my arm leaving me to rub where she had squeezed. "I'm leaving you two to it. You better enjoy yourself or else I'll make you sleep on the couch." She threatened before she hopped away into the crowd of dancing people.

As I watched her go, I hadn't realised someone was approaching me. Well not so much myself, but what was behind me.

"Excuse me." A male voice said cheerfully and reached a hand passed my face to grab some food from behind me. I looked at the owner of the voice and immediately knew who it was. I faced the raven haired boy, Alf or should I say Ash, expectantly in hopes that he'd recognise me but with no luck as he stared straight through me and at the food instead.

He continued to serve himself delicious treats from the table and completely ignored my presence, unless he was just oblivious to the fact that I was standing right in front of him. I gaped at his bowl of food which was filled to the brim and looked almost like a food tower. I suddenly imagined this as a young May back when she used to live in her own kingdom with all the food laid out in front of her to eat. Meals and meals of food just for her alone, while her family would look at her in amusement. That's what it looked like for Ash right now.

"I'm sorry but can you please pass me the soy sauce?" He questioned me politely, not bothering to look at my face. His attention was completely focused on the sauce on the table which he needed for the dumplings he'd just served himself.

"Uh sure." I said and quickly grabbed the bottle of soy sauce and handed it over to him. Then I realised something.

"It's you! Alf or should I call you prince Ash!" I exclaimed with fury as I watched him pour the soy sauce onto his dumplings. Finally he diverted his gaze from his food and in my direction and he looked at me in shock.

"It's you!" He repeated what I'd said, and gasped while almost dropping his overfilled bowl of food only to quickly regain his balance and keep it all in place. "You're the girl from the forest!"

"Yeah yeah that's me. Now why did you lie about being called Alf, and being a prince?" I whisper-yelled at him so it wouldn't bring any unwanted attention to us.

"I didn't want some strangers to know who we were, just in case we were recognised." He explained and I raised an eyebrow.

"If we knew who you were, we would've recognised you anyway since you didn't disguise your features." I said with a hand on my hip and he thought for a moment.

"That's true..." He pondered then spoke again. "Well another reason would be that I didn't want you to run away just because we were royalty since we can be quite intimidating when mentioned."

If I had water with me, I would've done a spit take. That had to be a joke right?

"You're kidding right?" I questioned and held in my laughter.

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