Chapter 8

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Dawn's POV

Over the past few weeks, news has spread throughout town about a ball within the main castle. I was beyond excited to go. That is if the other girls agreed to come with me.

Compared to the other three, I love going to events like these. I just loved the thrill of meeting new people and dancing around. Then there was Misty who completely despised social events.

In fact, Misty just hated anything to do with people.

But other than the news of the ball, there was news about something completely unexpected. After the King and Queen of the kingdom of Sapphire departed, their kingdom was overtaken. The note that had been in the murderers hand was a warning to all kingdoms about something that was rising. But no one seemed to care as everyone was too distracted with the upcoming ball.

At this current moment, all kingdoms were on edge. For now, the King and Queen were staying in this region before they went back to claim their own home once again. They were in charge of the ball apparently and were not allowed to leave. And right now, everyone was stressing over the ball all throughout town.

And that was exactly what I was doing as well.

"Misty, Leaf, May! Come here!" I yelled throughout the household.

The three of them came scrambling in the room and they ended up tumbling over each other. May crashed into the doorframe and slipped while Leaf tripped over her. Misty just straight up piled on top of the both of them. The landed as a heap on the floor while I stood in front of them desperately trying to hold in my laughter.

"Ouch." May gasped as she was crushed under both Leaf and Misty's weight.

"Get off me!" Leaf groaned at Misty who got up immediately.

"What's with all the commotion?" Ms Greenfield asked emerging from the other room.

"I'm so sorry Miss. These three were just being very clumsy." I explained with a grin while I felt the glares of the girls burning the back of my head.

"Oh that's alright. It happens." She said with a sweet smile before walking off to the kitchen.

"Now, what did you need us for?" Misty asked, helping the other two up.

"You've all heard of the recent announcement going around town right?" I asked slowly getting excited.

"Which one, the fallen Kingdom or the ball?" Leaf asked.

"The ball of course!" I squealed.

"And here we go." Misty sighed while rolling her eyes.

"So, can we go?" I asked jumping up and down.

"Nope." Misty answered immediately.

I glared at her then turned to the other girls who gave me thoughtful looks.

"I mean, I don't mind." May shrugged.

"Don't expect me to dance though." Leaf nodded.

Then we all turned to Misty who had her arms crossed and looked grouchy. We pouted and gave her puppy dog eyes. She stared at our faces for a while before sighing.

"Alright. Whatever." She said exasperatedly.

"Where have I heard that before?" I murmured to myself in thought not bothering to acknowledge the fact that Misty agreed.

The girls looked at me in confusion.

"Someone always used that phrase whenever I begged them to do something with me..." I pondered.

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