Chapter 7

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Paul's POV

"Paul, do you think they'll come for us next?" A little girl looked up at me with her long blue hair blowing in the wind.

"If they do, I'll always protect you. I promise." I looked into her shiny blue eyes with a small smile, something I rarely did to anyone.

But this girl was an exception.

"Thanks Paul. Best friends forever?" She asked with a grin.

I grinned back which made her eyes widen in surprise but either way she still grinned. I held out my hand which she took and we played around in the garden of the castle grounds.

There were banners surrounding the castle above. The banners had the symbol of the wind on them.

"Princess! The queen calls for you!" A maid came running out into the garden.

"Alright Zoey. I must leave, Paul." She turned to me.

The maid, Zoey, had short red hair and smiled at me as she grabbed the princess' hand and dragged her away.

"Bye Paul!" She called with a smile that never left her face.

"Bye Dawn!" I waved to her while her maid friend giggled.


My eyes widened as I awoke gasping. Dawn. Her name was Dawn.

Realisation hit me like a wave. Dawn. The girl I met in the forest. She was the same girl from my dreams, my best friend.

How could I forget?

Flashback (8 years ago)

"Take her Paul! Take her!" Zoey cried as she pushed Dawn towards me.

Zoey ran back into the battlefield and dragged the Queen away.

"Johanna, we must leave!" I heard her speak to her queen.

"No. I must stay and fight. This war is not over until I'm dead!" She screamed and launched herself back on the battlefield with a sword in hand.

She was just as feisty as her daughter.

"Dawn, I swore to protect you. I'm bringing you to your sister Kingdom." I announced while grabbing Dawn's hand tightly, afraid that if I let go, she'll slip away.

However, she did not move from where she stood as she observed the scene before her, tears in her eyes. I then realised what she was looking at.

I widened my eyes as I watched the King of the Air Kingdom approach Dawn's mother, a sword in hand.

"Mum!" Dawn let out an ear-splitting scream, loud enough for all the warriors to stop fighting.

I stared at all Dawn's warriors, then all of the enemies. Zoey was battered and bruise with a few cuts here and there but she wasn't that badly injured. But Dawn's mother was a different story.

The queen was panting on her knees, staring at the King with hatred.

"You destroyed my kingdom, now you will pay!" She shouted and blew a horn that was so loud, that it would reach a distance miles away.

The Queen stood and glared at the opposing King.

"For my Kingdom. For Dawn!" She screeched before launching herself forward with a sword in hand.

The King readied himself, and deflected her sword and flung her backwards until she hit the wall of the castle. But what scared me the most was not the King. It was the crack after the Queen's landing and Dawn's pained cry next to me.

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