Chapter 20

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I stayed up till 1am writing this chapter. It's longer than the usual chapter because I had so much to write since I used two POVs this time. This is to make up for all those times I said I'd update when I hadn't. It's actually been a few months since I updated, I apologise. (Literally last updated last year in October) Anyway, hope you enjoy the new chapter and sorry it took so long.


Dawn's POV

I felt a chill up my spine as I watched the soldiers in front of me rise back up to their feet. I felt their gleaming red eyes pierce my soul as they got up one by one just like undead beings. I felt my hands shake slightly as I stared at the soldiers in front of me. I glanced at Paul and Kenny who flanked my sides defensively with their broadswords stretched out in front of them. Both held serious expressions as they stared at the soldiers who were emerging from death like zombies from a horror story.

I gripped the handle of my whip tightly as I felt sweat drip down my face. I could feel fear bubble up deep inside me and my eyes flickered from one soldier to another, unsure of what to do from here. The shadow warriors were menacing figures, their bodies holding defensive stances, ready to fight. Before I knew what was happening, I noticed that Paul launched himself onto one of the shadow warriors, fiercely attacking it with his sword while Kenny had done the same to another soldier. So much for staying as a group.

I nodded to myself, thinking that if they had attacked, then it was my turn as well. I slashed at a soldier trying to sneak up behind me with my whip, knocking them back a few metres. I tied my whip around the soldier, tightly trying to bind him before sending him flying with all the strength I could muster. I directed the throw to where Amethyst was struggling with one of them, causing that soldier to go flying with the one I had launched.

"Thanks Dawn." Amethyst nodded to me before calling out to Max.

Dawn continued to use her whip against the soldiers, constantly throwing them in the air, seeing that was the best way she could attack them. But every time she thought they were knocked down, they stood back up relentlessly. It was never-ending.

"Max, go back to the castle and get Iris!" Amethyst yelled to May's brother who looked reluctant to do so as he was fending off a soldier with May. "Just go!"

Max didn't say anything as he nodded to her and bolted straight out of the fight, back to the castle where Iris would be. Because of that, I had been distracted and a soldier pounced on me, their sword pointing towards me menacingly. I collapsed on the ground, the soldier directly above me, sword held high. It came slashing down towards my face but I managed to roll out of the way in time. I got up and held out my whip defensively in front of me. I aimed for the soldiers feet and wrapped my whip around his leg bringing him down to the ground.

I wiped the sweat off my forehead and glanced over to where May, Drew and Brendan were viciously fending off the warriors as a trio. Amethyst stood in the centre of the battle, attacking relentlessly. Leaf, Gary, Ash and Misty had formed as a group together and were knocking down each of the soldiers in a very coordinated manner. Paul and Kenny were fighting on their own, ignoring each other as they focused on the soldiers in front of them.

I went to attack another soldier only to get tackled from behind. The soldier that I had been aiming for turned to face me at the same time and came over to where I lay on the ground under the weight of one of the soldiers. The soldier in front of my held its sword to my face, the tip of the blade inches away from my nose. The other soldier held me to the ground. I was pinned. That was not good at all. I saw the sword flash in front of my face. The soldiers were about to kill me. I squeezed my eyes shut in horror. This was not how I wanted this to end.

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