Chapter 17

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Paul's POV

Once we reached the weaponry, all of us were pushed inside forcefully by Iris who pointed to one specific wall. On that wall hung all assortments of weapons, different shapes and sizes each that would do lethal damage. My eyes immediately drew to an extremely sharpened broadsword with a tiger carved into the hilt of it. Two rubies in place of eyes that glinted a blood-like colour with the handle made of pure gold. It looked terrifying. I held my hand out and aimed to hold the hilt of the blade, only to collide with another hand. I looked at the person with a cold glare as I instantly recognised who it was.

"Kenny, get your hands off the blade." I spoke through gritted teeth.

"Paul, why don't you move your hand away from the sword?" Kenny said in irritation.

"I saw it first." I shot back.

"No, I did!" He exclaimed and inched closer to me with a frown on his face.

"This is mine." I stated and held the hilt of the sword before Kenny could move, its cold surface chilling me to the bone.

"No, it's mine!" Kenny yelled back and attempted to reach for the blade only to fall face flat on the floor after I pulled back.

"It's mine." I repeated and held it tightly.

Before I could walk away and give it a swing, Kenny reached up and managed to grab the hilt which I was still grasping.

"Hands off!" I shouted in annoyance and attempted to wriggle the blade out of his grasp but to no avail. This boy was stubborn.

"Give it to me!" Kenny spat and clenched his fist tighter around the handle.

Before any of us could fully claim the blade, a hand reached past the both of us and stole the broadsword from our clutches.

"You two should stop meddling around. Especially since the Kings and Queen finally gave their permission to do a task for them. An important one as well." Amethyst butted in as she held the broadsword carefully in her hands. "And I'm having this sword thank you very much." She smirked and hurried away with the precious weapon.

We stared gaping at her as she moved to the training area and began swinging it around skilfully. As expected of one of the best swords women of our kingdom. I huffed and immediately turned away from Kenny who was glaring holes into my head. I searched the wall for a fitting weapon and finally my eyes landed on another broadsword but this time with the hilt carved into a wolf. Its eyes were delicate sapphires that glinted an ocean colour and the hilt was made of the same fine gold of the other sword Amethyst had taken. The blade itself was a work of art and had deep engravings and patterns carved neatly into the steel.

"Mine." I whispered in triumph as I picked the blade up without a fuss this time.

"Kenny what sword of sword is that?" Gary exclaimed followed by a burst of laughter.

"Shut up." He grumbled.

As Kenny was a swordsman, he had no skill with other weapons and he valued pricey and rich designs such as the one we had fought over earlier. That is why his only option left was this blade that he was currently holding.

He had a fine looking broadsword but the only difference was that the hilt was one of a chicken and was made of bronze. It's eyes were made of coal that barely sparkled in the light.

"Poor Kenny." I said sarcastically before purposefully brushing past him and showing off my very own blade with a smug look on my face.

I heard him grumble to himself and I felt myself smirk. Everyone had already gathered by the training area where they were testing their weapons. Drew had his two daggers that were finely crafted and had a bow and quiver filled with steel arrows swung over his back. Ash had his favourite katana which was a lethal weapon in combat. Gary had his own twin swords which he was quite skilled with using. I had grabbed a couple of daggers for backup and carried my prized broadsword with me. Amethyst had that broadsword she took from us and she also held a powerful whip on her waist.

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