Chapter 22

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May's POV

After I watched Max run off under Amethyst's frantic command, we all continued fighting against the shadow warriors with much struggle. I watched those three shadow warriors clamber after Max as soon as he shot off into the distance but I was in no place to save him after being cornered with Drew and Brendan by even more shadow warriors. No matter how many times we knocked them down, they just kept coming back. Whenever they got back on their feet, they seemed to become stronger than they were before being knocked down, adding to the struggle of the battle.

"Drew!" I yelled in panic as he was getting flanked from behind by a shadow warrior and I managed to knock the sword out of its hand, Drew staring at me in surprise.

"Thanks." He nodded at me before slashing a nearby soldier with his daggers.

I glanced over at Amethyst who seemed to be watching over Max as he continued his frantic sprint towards the castle and we could still see him faintly in the distance, but those shadow warriors were gaining on him. I wanted to run over and help him but he was alone for this one. We were in a pinch at this stage and there was no way we could have the chance to help him and I worried for my brother. Amethyst seemed to notice as she yelled towards me.

"Are you alright to handle things here by yourself for now until Max gets help?" Amethyst shouted from her position and I stared at her thoughtfully before nodding.

"Please, look after my brother!" I yelled back and Amethyst nodded and gave me a thumbs up.

"Don't worry, I'll do just that." Amethyst reassured me before weaving her way through a group of shadow warriors lunging towards her.

She burst through them and sprinted after Max and I sighed a breath of relief as I watched after them. I didn't want to lose my brother after I just found him again. I spun back around, not letting myself get distracted anymore as I launched myself back into battle. I was ready to plunge my sword straight through the armour of a shadow warrior nearby when they suddenly stopped moving, startling me. I drew my sword back out of confusion. I tapped the shadow warrior but it didn't budge. It was as though they had 'shut down' or something. Their gleaming red eyes turned green for a split second before returning to their original colour. Then their bodies began to convulse weirdly and I shuddered at the sight. I glanced at the rest of our group and we all huddled together by instinct. I was almost certain everyone was thinking the same thing.

"What's going on?" Leaf yelled with uncertainty as we stared at the shadow warriors surrounding us who no longer seemed to have the intent to kill as they stood convulsing on the spot.

"No clue." I responded to Leaf while the rest of us were staring worriedly at the soldiers in front of us.

"This is odd. Something's not right." Brendan pointed out and I agreed with him.

I noticed Brendan inch closer to me with a protective stance as he stood beside me, Drew standing close by as well. I felt sandwiched between the two but I ignored it as I focused on the situation in front of me. Then the soldiers stopped moving, their bodies standing motionless. Their eyes flashed green once again as though registering something in their lifeless brains. Then they all spun to face us. I then realised the stupidity of our position. The shadow warriors were very quick in surrounding us, a bunch of them enclosing us in a circle.

"I think it was a bad idea to huddle like this." I stated and everyone nodded in agreement but we all knew it was a bit too late.

The soldiers stared at us blankly. They had stopped moving once more. Just waiting. We all stood expectantly in our little huddle before one of us took a step forward. A sword was suddenly lashed out at the ground, dirt spraying us as the blade struck the ground. The action was so swift we didn't even have time to register what had happened. We all gaped at the soldier in shock as soon as it had happened. Everyone stood frozen, not even a breath escaping our mouths as we silently contemplated what had just happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2020 ⏰

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