Chapter 3

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Leaf's POV

I waited for the pain to arrive and the blackness of going unconscious but nothing came. The only thing that I felt was the strong grip of two hands wrapped around my body. I opened my eyes which had been tightly shut to see a pair of dark brown eyes staring down at me in concern.

"Are you alright?" He said.

"Um-uh-yeah of course." I stuttered in reply.

I looked past the guys shoulder to see Misty with another boy staring at me with worry. I looked up at my savior and spoke softly.

"You can let go now." I said cautiously, suddenly remembering that these guys are strangers.

"Alright." He said reluctantly and put me down.

He smirked.

"Now what is this pretty lady's name may I ask?" The guy asked flirtatiously.

"None of your concern." I said feeling slightly irritated.

"But I did just save your life you know. I think I deserve an answer." He said with a raised eyebrow.

"Hm, maybe I could. But I won't." I answered back.

"Well, my name is Gerald, and that other guys name is Alf." The guy, Gerald, told me and Misty as the other guy and Misty approached us.

Misty gave me a look of urgency meaning that we should go now.

"Nice to meet you Gerald and Alf but we have to go so bye!" Misty ended our conversation and dragged me away in a sprint so that they wouldn't catch up. I heard one of them shout at us to come back but we had disappeared by then.

Once we had stopped, Misty examined me.

"Are you alright? That fall could've been pretty bad if you hadn't been caught." Misty looked at me with concern.

"I'm fine Misty. I'm just wondering if they could be from the kingdom. What happens if they are guards? Does that mean we're in trouble?" I asked suddenly panicking.

"No it's going to be fine. I doubt they were looking for us." Misty said but I could tell that she herself was unsure of her own answer.

"If there are people in the forest, then there's a chance that there could be even more. That means that May and Dawn could be in trouble if these people are from the kingdom." I said.

"That's true. We should head to the Great Oak Tree now. We have to get out of this forest as soon as possible." Misty told me as she continued to walk while I followed closely behind.

Paul's POV

After that encounter with those strange girls, Drew and I had been suffering from a severe headache while trying to stay conscious. One of them had whacked us with a tree branch.

"How pathetic." I muttered to myself in frustration still angry about what happened back there.

I could tell Drew was feeling the same way as we walked in silence. I could see him clenching his fists every few moments. We hadn't paid attention to where we were walking so when I finally cleared my head and looked around, I realized that we had been circling the same place where we had met the two girls before. And we had been doing this for about an hour.

I placed my hand on Drew's shoulder to get his attention since he was still deep in though while pacing around in circles.

"Huh." He mumbled in confusion.

"We've been walking around in circles for the past hour." I explained.

"Wait doesn't that mean we have to get going soon?" Drew asked.

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