Chapter 4

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Gary's POV

The brunette smiled sweetly at me as we danced in circles at the ball. King Blue looked approvingly at us and grinned at me with a wink. I recognized her immediately.

Her forest green dress flowed smoothly as she danced with me, never dropping her smile. Her blue eyes sparkled as she looked into my brown eyes and her hair was swaying below her shoulders with every movement we made.

I wasn't sure what was happening, but I was sure about one thing, I loved her and only her.

"My Leafy."

I awoke with a startled groan as I felt water dripping down my face and water droplets landed on my bed sheets, completely dampening my bed.

"Wake up Gerald, it's punishment day." I saw a familiar green head smirking at me.

Two things were going on in my mind right now. Who the heck was Leafy? And who was that girl who I was dancing with? She looked so familiar. And the second thing that went through my mind was my fear for what punishment I was about to receive from the adults. All of a sudden, I couldn't recall my dream, nothing came to my head when I tried to remember.

"Who's Leafy?" Drew asked not getting rid of his smirk.

"Uh, I don't know." I said truthfully.

"Hm, whatever you say." Drew said not believing me.

"I'm being serious." I said in a serious tone.

"Brendan and his parents are coming over tomorrow. We have to be prepared." Drew said but I could hear annoyance in his tone.

"Alright then. Let's go." He gestured towards the door of my room and walked out of it himself leaving me alone to get ready.

I put on some of my formal clothing and tried to look as polite as possible. I grinned at myself awkwardly in the mirror feeling uncomfortable wearing these clothes as I preferred normal t-shirts and jeans. I stepped out the doorway to immediately hear people rushing around frantically. Actually, one person to be accurate.

"Ashy boy, what in arceus' name are you doing?" I asked him in confusion as I saw him running in circles in his ridiculous looking clothing.

"They are going to punish us! How are you not scared?!" He asked breathlessly while spinning in circles. "I know King Cilan is scary, King Blue, and Reggie too. MY MUM WILL KILL ME TOO!"

"Calm down, I'm sure our punishment can't be that bad." Drew said reassuringly to Ash while Paul just huffed in annoyance.

"Let's get going before we are late for this meeting too." Paul spoke up with a hint of irritation in his tone.

They all nodded while Drew was still calming Ash as they approached the doors to the throne room. We took a deep breath before knocking loudly on the door.

There was a pause, before the doors swung open and there stood a fuming Cilan, a grumpy Reggie, a frustrated Delia and a grinning Blue.

Why the heck was Blue grinning? We may never know.

"You were late last night." Cilan said sternly, mainly looking at his own son in disappointment. "And you failed to bring back the thieves, or any information whatsoever."

"We have decided on your punishment through a discussion." Delia began.

"You will not be allowed to leave the castle at all, that includes into the gardens or to the stables, and you must do all your chores, work and training." Reggie finished.

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