Chapter 21

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Just be prepared for a really long chapter guys. Hope you all enjoy!

Max's POV

We had all separated as soon as the battle commenced. At first, I tried to stick by Amethyst but she ended up further away from me than I had hoped. I couldn't help her so I had to stay beside May, Drew and Brendan who were dealing with the soldiers better than I could. Unlike Drew, I didn't have a backup weapon so I was stuck using my bow and arrows at close range which was a bad idea. I rapidly fired arrows at the soldiers only to get my bow knocked out of my hands by a shadow warrior who appeared out of nowhere. May came up beside me and kicked that soldier hard in the face, knocking him down to the ground from the impact. She picked up my bow for me and handed it back into my arms.

"Thanks May." I gratefully responded to her actions which she returned with a small nod and a smile.

I was fighting against one of the soldiers with May, only to hear my name being called from across the battlefield. I focused my attention on the person who had called for me and my gaze locked with those familiar purple eyes. Amethyst. She began to yell something which I managed to just barely catch from the distance we were at.

"Max, go back to the castle and get Iris!" She had called to him.

Although I had gotten used to listening to her and always doing what she told me without complaint, I felt reluctant to leave my sister behind. I am terrified about the thought of losing May once again. I don't want to let that happen.

"Just go!" Amethyst pleaded from across the battlefield and even though I was hesitant, I still went, realising the urgency of the situation.

If I didn't do anything, everyone would be in big trouble. I have to get to Iris in time. If I could get back to Iris, then she would bring in reinforcements and then they can save the group. I weaved my way through the battle and found an opening, seeing that as my chance to escape back to the castle. I sprinted through the town, glancing backwards to see if I had been pursued during my escape. I mentally sighed in relief as I continued running when I noticed there was no shadow warrior following me. I urged my legs to move faster, seeing that the castle was still too far away. I needed to get there as quickly as possible.

I suddenly heard the clanging of heavy armour and a weird grumble nearby. Footsteps. But I couldn't sense which direction they were coming from. The footsteps began to surround me from all sides besides in front of me. I gulped realising that I might be in big trouble. I tried to ignore my pursuers and sprinted faster than normal only to realise that the footsteps fell in pace with my sprint. The sound of them always stayed near me.

Suddenly, something knocked straight into me, causing me to lose my footing and crumble under its weight. I groaned in pain and looked up to see one of the shadow warriors staring straight down at me with its blood red gaze. A sword was pointed to my face but I managed to roll out of the way just in time before it struck me. I scrambled back on my feet and brought out my bow only to see that I had ran out of arrows from the battle earlier. I mentally cursed myself. How was I going to get out of this situation?

I thought about it for a moment as the soldier came running straight towards me before deciding to run once again. Hopefully I could outrun the shadow warrior and reach the castle. That was my best bet in this situation. But once again, I was tackled to the ground, my face hitting the uneven terrain beneath me. I felt a sharp pang in my stomach and I looked down to see another shadow warrior pinning me down with his knee. I was trapped. I coughed as the pressure on my stomach worsened and I was struggling to move. Pain rippled through my body as I writhed on the spot, panic arising within me as I watched two more shadow warriors begin to approach me with their sinister gazes. I was in a pinch. I considered yelling but nothing but a squeak arose from my throat as I opened it. I shut my eyes, embracing the pain as much as I could. There was just no other possible outcome to this situation besides death. I was trapped and helpless. May I'm sorry. I know we just reunited, but that may have been short-lived my sister. This may be the end of the line for me.

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