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day of competition// dan's pov

Joy and I decide to ride to the event together. I have to get there a bit early though, so she'll just be in my car, probably smoking. She's wearing black skinny jeans and a hoodie, she wanted to wear something "a bit more fancy" but I insisted that it wasn't a big deal. 

I haven't been making myself sick as of late, instead I've just been restricting calories more than usual. So maybe 500-600 a day. I had remembered a few months ago, Joy made a joke about how English people have bad teeth and I blamed it on the cigarettes. Even though I smoke about two times a day, which is no where near how bad I was a year ago. 

joy's pov

Dan's little competition is today, I'm so excited to hear him play. I know he's nervous though, he keeps running his fingers through that fucking wild mane of hair he's got. 


we get to the small venue, I didn't catch the name of it, doors don't open for another hour so Dan has me stay in his car. So for the next hour I just listen to music, it's actual quite therapeutic in a way. It's just me and the music at max volume. 

I later get a text from Dan that says "doors are about to open, get in here mate". So I hop out of the car and enter through the doors. I spot Dan by the stage and he gestures me to come over. 

"Jot you know Ralph right?" I look to the tall bearded man next to him and nod

"Yea we've met once or twice before, how are you feeling Dan?" Ralph excuses himself so it's just me and Dan there. He looks less nervous now, I think he'll do well. 

"shit" dan now looks worried, "fuck I gotta go, it starts soon, I'll see you after?" I nod and mouth a quick "good luck" to him as he runs off.

i'll try to save you//dan smithWhere stories live. Discover now