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dan's pov

The thought of Joy and I actually being together made my heart race, but it would be impossible for her to love me. But I mean, with school coming to an end, there's really no point in being scared to tell her. It's not like she's going to hang out with me over the summer.

By the time I drove us home, Joy and I were both exhausted. I practically passed out after making plans with Joy tomorrow. We're going to skip school and hang out at the beach with Kyle and possibly his boyfriend Max.


I woke up suddenly at about ten in the afternoon, a police siren rang loudly throughout the street next to my window. I didn't really see a reason to go back to sleep, considering I had to be at the beach by one. So I took a quick shower and put on my classic shirt with a wolf on it. I don't quite understand my obsession with wolves, but apparently it's "my brand" now, so I go along with it.

By now, I've started finishing up Joy's song, I think I'm titling it "Overjoyed". I don't think I'll ever play it for her, she'd probably think it was creepy that I wrote a song for her.

After a few hours of perfecting the song, I realized that I should probably get Joy so we could leave for the beach. I quickly checked to see if I still looked like utter shit before leaving my flat. Joy didn't answer my knock, so I just texted her. A few more minutes went by and this time I called her.

I didn't want to think of the worst case scenario (that she might have hurt herself) so I knocked one more time before finding the spare key that she "hid" out of sight. I slowly entered her flat, it was too quiet for twelve in the afternoon. I later found myself knocking on her bedroom door, it was closed so I decided just to open it.

I let out a sigh of relief as I saw Joy, asleep in her bed. I didn't really know what to do, given the circumstances. But after a few seconds of contemplating what to do, I lightly tapped her shoulder. She actually looked quite funny in this position; Her mouth lay slightly open, and her chin had doubled. Finally, after what felt like five minutes, Joy woke up

"Don't panic!" I said, seeing her wide expression. She began to laugh, before checking the time on her phone

"Oh shit, we're gonna be late" she almost shouted, as she raced to her closet to get dressed. We made small talk through the closet door and went over plans. She came out in black jeans and a grey sweatshirt. I smiled like a fucking idiot, seeing her in my favorite pants of hers. We continued talking as she brushed her teeth and grabbed her phone and wallet.

joy's pov

The drive to the beach was really nice. We were running a bit late, and Kyle was too, so we agreed to meet at three. That gave Dan and I time to find a convince store and get a few things.

The store was quite small, it reminded me of the place I first saw Dan. The florescent lights shined brightly on his tired eyes. We ended up buying some classic convince store coffees, snacks, and of course energy drinks. Dan also got a pack of cigs, we both haven't smoked in a while, so we just said "fuck it".

We were the first ones to the beach, so we found a vacant spot to sit at as we waited for Kyle. It was kinda cold, despite the previous hot weather we've been having. I put my head on his shoulder, it was kinda meant to be flirty, but I didn't want him to know that. We both got a text from Kyle, he said that he'd be here by four!

"He's never on time" Dan said, wrapping his arm around me after noticing that my teeth started to chatter. Ugh I'm not used to guys being nice to me, my fault for only dating assholes.


A few more hours passed and Kyle should be at the beach any minute. A slight tension had started to form between Dan and I, or at least I thought. We had been talking for a while, but by now, it was just silent. I shifted towards Dan, I really wanted to kiss him. I was getting flashbacks to when we made out in his car before a party. He seemed to have the same idea, as he placed one of his hands on the side of my face; It was oddly soothing.

He kissed me, and afterwards he looked back at me and silently asked if he could continue. Eventually, we started making out for a bit. It was almost like a dream you see. We got carried away, and Dan later ended up pinning me down up against the sand. It was, to say the least, really hot.

We were interrupted to the sound of Kyle's voice, "Found them!" he shouted. I quickly pushed Dan off of me before Kyle could actually see what we were doing. I whisped Dan a "sorry" before talking with Kyle.

"You finally made it!" i say, getting up from the cold sand to hug Kyle. Dan remained seated and just gave him a nod, guess he's a bit pissed that Kyle interrupted us.

"Yeah sorry for the delay, but Max is on his way with some blankets. We checked the weather and it's about to be bloody cold tonight." Kyle says, sitting down next to us.

We all greeted Max as he arrived with multiple blankets. Dan and I passed out the small snacks and drinks. The four of us talked about this past school year and how shitty and also great it was. Apparently Kyle stopped selling weed, so he had to find his own plug that's actually quite expensive.

"I'm definitely being ripped off, but what can you do about it?" he said, pulling out a few pre-rolled blunts from his jacket pocket. We smoked those until the sun was just starting to set. This day was perfect.

i'll try to save you//dan smithWhere stories live. Discover now