Chapter Ten-It's All A Plan...

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Tyron was still holding me and I was still in shock. I didn't want to go and look out of my window. I didn't want to re-see what just happened. Everything just went so fast, I couldn't take it all in at the same time. I was just having a really fun time with Tyron until Brandon came to ruin it.

Tyron left for a bit, but came back, with something in his hand. Brandon's phone. He unlocked it and started going through his chats. He was murmuring the words as he was reading them but I couldn't understand.

'Rihanna, I told you. I told you, I know I am always right.'

'What Tyron, what is it?' I said with a shaky voice.

'Brandon planned the whole thing with Joshua. He told Joshua to break in and do the whole thing.'

'You're lying Tyron, stop making Brandon look so bad...'

'I'm not fucking lying Rihanna. That's not even all of it. I see a conversation here between him and Stephenie. He said that he purposely came in you so that he could make your life a living hell.'

'I just don't understand what I have done though...'

'Oh. My. Gosh. My ex-girlfriend is moving to England and coming to our school. Apparently, she and Stephenie are online best friends.'

I looked up at Tyron with a terrified look on my face.

'This is just unbelievable. I can't believe it, how do I have so many enemies? I haven't done anything wrong to anyone. Tyron... If your ex-girlfriend is coming here, what will happen?'

'Nothing will happen b. I won't let her do anything to you.'

I hugged Tyron and started crying in his arms. I got up and looked out of the window to see if Brandon was still there. And he wasn't.


'What do you mean, he's right the-', but as he looked outside too, he saw that Brandon was gone.

'Where did he go? He can't be strong enough to get up and leave.'

'At least we have his phone now' Tyron replied.

After finding out all these things about Brandon, I was happy Tyron did that to him. And I couldn't wait to go back to school...


It was Thursday now, and I was still at home. My mum was staying with me at home today. It was 11:30am in the morning and I was still chilling in bed.

'Goodmorning baby, are you okay?' my mum greeted as she walked into my room.

'Yeah, just wanna rest today.'

'Didn't you do that yesterday?' my mum asked while laughing.

'Yeah, of course, and I want to do it again' I replied with an almost sarcastic laugh. My mum grinned and left my room. I could barely sleep last night after the incident, and I could just not believe what Tyron and I found on Brandon's phone. Why was everyone plotting against me? I barely did anything wrong to anyone, I was just doing my job - being a hoe.

The Saturday of that week was TMT Prodzz Party, as a celebration for getting 1 million followers on Instagram. And everyone was invited. Even me. TMT Prodzz was Tobi, Maya and Tosin, and they were basically a dance group. Everywhere they went, they danced, and they decided to make it into something bigger. I was still deciding if I was to go to this party or not, as I found out that everyone was out to get me basically, it was a risk. A very dangerous one. But, I hadn't had fun in a long while, and I thought it was time to loosen up a bit after everything that had happened to me in the past month or so. I was very stressed, I needed a bit of fun.

I got up from my bed and went downstairs, so I could have a chit-chat with my mum.

'Oh, so the sleepy head finally decided to get up from her bed' my mum giggled.

I gave her a little look as if to say I am not lazy and she let out another laugh. I sat down beside her on the couch and turned off the TV.

'Why'd you do that for?'

'Mum, we need a bit of time to just talk. We haven't done that in a while you know.'

'Well okay then, what do you want to talk about?'

'Well mum, I have a lot to say. Firstly, you already know about my baby and the father and everything, but you don't know the full details about Brandon. Brandon basically plotted against me. He impregnated me on purpose so that he could make my life a living hell by having a baby at the age of 14. And then I found out that he is the one that told to Joshua to get some friends to break in and rape me. I just don't know what I have done to these people, I don't deserve this. And people bully me because I'm a hoe, and I'm 'with' a boy called Tyron now, and he used to live in America, and now his ex-girlfriend is coming to England because she found about me and him and she probably wants to kill me, I don't even knowwww.'

'Slow down, you're saying all this stuff at once. I know how hard it is baby. I went through this too, when I was pregnant with you. People made fun of me and pushed me around, but you know what I did?'


'I killed them.'


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