4. A Close Encounter

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A/N) beware this chapter could be triggering to some readers
As the day went on, I waited impatiently walking around the campus reading one of my school books. I had no friends besides Kenny and after he had told me to stay away from Craig we finished our physical activity hours and went our separate ways. I needed to think.

I knew Craig had mentioned South Park and if Craig is the same Craig that Kenny knows... then doesn't that mean Kenny has been or used to live in South Park too? It was giving me anxiety just thinking about it. It was summer, for most students they would be in break, but as for us we had to do our tests to choose if we can leave the program. Of course even if we passed the test, parents can keep their kids going here.

I hated to think about that. My parents loved me, but we are not very close anymore. And I know I'll never make the mistake of trusting them again. This school was a punishment. And what I did, was something I did to myself to relieve the mental and emotional pain, a physical plea of wanting to be happy, but they sent me here. As I walked around the grass fields behind our cabins, I took off my jacket. It was probably noon-ish and the sun felt good on my skin.

I looked down at my arms. Cursing my self for what I had done to my once scar free skin. It didn't bother me too bad, it was those around me who never could handle it. I sighed to myself. And for a moment I felt like the world around me didn't exist.

Until I heard the rustling of someone coming near. I turned forwards the noise to see a few boys walking up to me. They had some shit eating grins on their faces as the started to corner me. My back to the fence.

"Well if it isn't Twitches.. where's your boyfriend?" One of the boys spoke up, his eyes looking me up and down. I hid my arms behind the fence and tried to keep my trembling managed.
"I don't have a boyfriend! If you're talking about my friend Kenny, t-then screw off! He's n-not around!"

"That's fine by me. We weren't wanting to talk with him anyway. I wanted to ask how you disposed of our trash from the party."

"O-oh. I hid it in.. the w-woods."

"Hmf," He said walking closer to me, he wasn't too much taller than me, he had rough looking eyebrows and shaggy brown hair, " impressive." He said as he grabbed my hair.
I could only let out a slight hiss before he pushed my head back into the fence.
"You know, you wouldn't be half bad to hang around if you didn't act like such a gay ass all the time. You're no better than us, and when you get that through your thick head, maybe we wouldn't have to treat you so rough. Heh" he let go of my hair and began to walk off with all his friends.

But I wasn't like them. I didn't beat up kids, I didn't slap my parents, I didn't steal, I stayed in school and stayed away from drugs. The only thing I couldn't escape was my own mind. But it's gotten better, I have better ways to control myself. And I know I'll make it far away from all these idiots soon.

I turned around to face the fence and bent down to get ready to crawl under. I braced my self for the pain as I squeezed under. I ran into the woods and tried to get myself to go the same path I took last time.

Finally I came to the cliff edge. The water wasn't as pretty as it was the night before but it was still nice. I wished I had a way to contact Craig. I really wanted answers. I'll ask him if he knows any Kenny's and find out more from there.

I waited for a while. I had been laying on my back enjoying the short warm season we had. Rustling soon came from the leaves. I quickly opened my eyes and looked around.

There he was. The tall boy with black hair had appeared. He didn't look impressed with my presence. He only sighed and went to lay beside me. I could feel his hoodie brush against my arm and lost my ability to speak correctly.

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