6. Testing

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Testing. Kenny and I, along with all the other kids as the school who were third years, would take their final test today. It would show if we were ready to leave the school.

I knew I'd pass it easily, so I didn't panic as much as I normally would when I took a test. Anyway, if we did pass our parents will take us home on Wednesday. Which means we'd find out if we passed on Tuesday.

I woke up early to my alarm and had quickly gotten ready so Kenny could could take a shower. I wore my school uniform, which was just a white button up shirt and black pants. I grabbed my bag for school and waited for Kenny to get done.

When he came out of the bathroom, we left. The school was pretty far away from this side of campus. Kenny didn't seem very talkative.
I knew why, of course, but I had hoped that sleeping on it would make it pass.

At least he still decided to walk with me to school. I had learnt the hard way that you turn into a target walking alone. I was often pushed down, or had my book bag emptied in front of me.

"Tweak. I'm still mad but if we pass this test we won't have many days left together. And I don't want to spend it mad at you."

"AH- Ke-Kenny! That's not true! I live in South Park! Well, m-my parents do."

He looked at me a little shocked. He laughed to himself and slung his arm around me. I really could read this guy.

"Well then, guess we can't get away from each other."

"Yea. B-but do y-you think we'll be friends back a-at home?"

"Probably not," He said like it was nothing, " you probably wouldn't like my old friend group." He continued to chuckle to himself as he looked ahead.

I tried to think as far back as I could, but I really don't remember much of other kids. I didn't have any friends of friend groups. I was always alone. I lived inside my head back then, it was the only way I knew how to cope with feeling like I was completely alone with no one to care about me.

One thing I did remember from back then was a boy who liked to pick on me. He hated my constant twitching and shuffling. He never did anything too bad, but he'd push me around, make me do his work, and mock me quite a lot.

That kid was heavy set, for sure. But that's the only thing I could remember. I hate thinking about back then. Everything was so cold. I was alone and I barely ever slept. I never thought things would get better, and honestly thought no one would notice if I disappeared.

I'm here now though. I'm better at staying calm. And with Kenny, I don't feel like an outcast.

We arrived in the front of the small school and walked in. Kenny and I went to class and settled into our seats.

Time to take our test.

Craig's POV:

I slept for most of the day. It was summer break and I had nothing to do. I decided that going to the coffee shop would be an alright choice. I slipped on a dark blue hoodie and black jeans that had plenty of rips in them. And used my hat to cover my hair.

Before I left, I fed my guinea pig and flipped off my mom and younger sister. They didn't seem to care where I was heading, and only flipped me off as response back.

At the coffee shop, I ordered a plain black coffee. I sat myself  by the front window of the shop. I sipped on my coffee and watched people pass by. Mrs. Tweak left the coffee shop to stand outside and take a call.

Her face seemed to brighten up, and she paced back and forth. As soon as she got off the phone, she busted through the front door and announced to the whole shop some news.


I felt a flutter of excitement inside my stomach.  I don't know why, but Tweek coming home to South Park made my day. I didn't like new things, I liked plain and boring. But still, I wanted Tweek to come here and ruin the boring routine.

I left the shop after I finished my coffee and went to my secret spot. Then it hit me. If Tweek's coming back, then won't Kenny come with him?

I felt sudden dread. But it doesn't matter. I needed to go see Tweek.

Tweek pov:

I had finished the test. I won't know my test results until Tuesday. But the announcements over the school said our parents would get a call as soon as our test was graded.

I felt all hot and the hallways of the school seemed narrow. I quick headed back to our cabin. I could feel the panic start inside of my stomach and grow to my heart.

What if my parents didn't care? What if  they don't want me back? What if they decided they don't love me anymore?

I couldn't stop myself from the thoughts. God I hated when this happened.

Kenny pov:

Tweek had left the class room is a hurry. I had tried to call to him but he didn't seem to hear. I rushed out of the school to go find him but he was no where to be found. I ran back to our cabin looking for him.

I hated letting him walk to our cabin alone. These boys didn't learn anything while they were here. I knew that and so did Tweek but he still left without me.

When I came to the cabin and saw he wasn't there, I started looking out in the field. Just as I spotted him, he had made his way to the other side of the fence and ventured into the woods.

A/N) I hope there aren't many grammar errors in here, I wrote this pretty fast. I have a lot of school work to do but still I'll keep updating when ever I have free time. Hope people are enjoying this! :,) ( ps. Feel free to comment if something doesn't make sense)

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