11. Comfort of a Touch

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A/N) gonna be also writing another Tweek and Craig story right now too, just not uploading. I want to get a few chapters written of it mainly because it's meant to be kinda slow and I want to have them fall in love naturally. It's gonna be V cute but also V sad. ///Thanks for reading ',:)
Tweek's Pov-

The get-together wasn't any get together I've seen before. It was crowed with people I didn't know. An awful way to start the move back home. I snuck into Clyde's bed room upstairs.

I did feel bad for sneaking up there, but if one more person bumped into me and asked me who I was I think I was going to loose it.

I sat in the dark of his room. I hadn't worked up the courage to leave yet, and it was starting to get late. I sat there having a crisis in my head until the lights flipped on and a boy stood in front of the door.



We both spoke at the same time. I lifted my head from my knees and looked at Craig. He was wearing a short sleeved shirt and had a baggy dark grey jacket on top of it.

Craig walked up to the bed and sat beside of me. We sat in silence, it was so weird to see Craig here. I looked at him and decided I'd speak first.

"Is this what people call a small get-together nowadays?" I laughed as Craig turned to me blowing air from his nose.

"Apparently, this is also a sleep over too."

Craig rolled his eyes, but I straightened up, spending the night would mean I wouldn't have to walk home in the dark. I stood up and asked my mom if I could stay the night through a quick phone call. Excited for me to make friends she said yes. Craig stood confused and followed me as I left the room and rushed downstairs.

"CLYDE!" I yelled out through the crowd, and sure enough he appeared.

"Hey Tweek! Glad you made it!"

"Do y-you think I could spend the night?"

"I don't see the problem with that, go ahead hehe." He laughed as some girl pulled him away to dance. Yep, it was a full on party.

I shook my head and turned around to Craig looking at me with a 'could you explain' look on his face with his arms crossed. I laughed and dragged him upstairs to where it was quite so we could talk. I was actually excited to get to talk to Craig.

It secured the thought that me and Craig would be friends here, not just in the woods alone. We went back up to Clyde's room and Craig laid down on the bed. I sat normally in the middle area of the bed.

Me and Craig had a quick catch up talk to update each other on our boring day we spent apart.

"Craig? Since I'm here now, can you tell me who's good or mean..?"

"Good or mean?" He pondered to himself as he sat up on the bed, "Well I hang out with Clyde, Token, and Jimmy, which all are nice, I think. Oh! And don't hang out with fat boy, I mean Cartman. He's a dick. He's in the same group as Stan and Kyle, and Kenny."

"Oh." Is all I said, but one of the kids who used to pick on me all the time when I was younger, was known as fat boy. I felt sick in my stomach to know he hangs out with Kenny.

"Yea. Butters is pretty nice too. And as for girls, all of them are mean but you get past it. Just don't touch Wendy, Nicole, Heidi, and Bebe."

"Why not them?"

"Wendy is in a off and on relationship with Stan, she'd just use you. Nicole moves a lot but for the most part she is satin Token. Heidi has the urge to fix everyone she gets with and it's really not healthy for her to be in any kind of relationship. And Bebe's mine."

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