29. A Gift

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A/N) guys!!! Tweek and Craig are so cute and I love my boys so much!!! I'm so glad that there's other people out there reading this! Ahhhh, thank you all for reading!!!

I sat up in bed, it was almost 10 pm on the cold Saturday evening. School had ended, and our winter break began. I spent every day curled up in my warm blankets watching tv and drinking coffee.

It became a easy pattern to keep. I had no where to go, and nothing to do. I rarely went outside due to the cold flurries that scattered in the air. Christmas was coming up soon as well.

I planned on getting my new phone then. Sadly, until then I couldn't reach out to any of my friends. I didn't mind too much, I was personally enjoying my days with zero socializing. Every now and then, my parents made me cover a free shift at the coffee shop.  It wasn't too bad, I covered my shifts in the morning, so no kids were out to visit.

As days pasted, and I went on with my nothingness filled days, Christmas soon arrived. I wasn't much for celebrating, and neither were my parents.

I only wished for my phone, and a way to get to Craig. We didn't talk much after the dance, creating a distance. It wasn't bad though, because every time I saw him, I remembered how we kissed. A simple smile from me shown towards him would make his face turn red, even from across the room.

I assumed he had started to gather up his feelings and come to realize how he really felt. From the times I caught him staring at me at school, I assumed the feelings were in my favor.

Now it was a late Christmas Eve night, and I was still thinking about him. We hadn't had contact, in what felt like an eternity. I missed his warmth in these cold winter days. I craved for just one glimpse of the boy, but I never left the house enough to run into him.

I laid in my bed, just thinking about him. It seemed kind of creepy to imagine me just thinking about him all the time, but I couldn't help it. He just kept coming into my mind and disturbing my sleep.

As I snuggled into my covers, I let the silence of the dark room consume me. It would probably be reaching 12 am soon. As I laid curled up, I heard a loud ping noise on my window above my bed. I quickly jumped up and let out a 'GAH'.

I nervously looked out my window, slowly peeking my hand through the blinds. Almost as if I had wished him as my Christmas gift, he appeared. He stood in my yard, bundled up in a thick coat buttoned up around him.

I watched the raven haired boy wave me down with his hand, motioning me to hurry. I turned from the window and crawled off of my bed. I was only in my boxers at the moment, so I quickly grabbed some clothes from my closet. A pair of joggers and a long sleeved grey shirt. I slipped on my oldest pair of converse, and sneaked down stairs.

My parents were both in their room, so I made it out of the house smoothly and unnoticed. I proudly left the house to walk over to Craig.

The winter had paled his skin, and the icy wind gave him flushed pink cheeks and nose. He had a scarf wrapped around his neck, and he pulled it down from his mouth before speaking to me.

"Tweek, come with me."

He grabbed onto my hand, and began to lead me away from my house.

"GaH- C-Craig, you c-can't just come and steal me away from my house liked this!"

"So you don't want to go on a date with me?" He laughed, turning his head back to see me looking like a flustered mess.

I stood speechless. I guess we were going on a midnight date, on Christmas. Wait, Craig Tucker just said he's taking me on a date? Does he like me?

I squeaked with excitement as he led us into the woods. I knew exactly where we were going, and I had no objections.

Craig stopped us at our familiar spot that was a clearing around a circle-shaped basin that lead down to water. I giggled, feeling a bubbly feeling arise from inside me. We both sat down in the grass, sitting very close to one another.

Only now was I starting to feel the chill of the wind. I shivered, and shifted closer to Craig. Who looked down on me with a small smile, taking off his huge coat and draping it around my shoulders. He buttoned only the top button, so It would stay on my shoulders with actually being on my arms.

We both laid our backs down into the grass, star gazing. I turned on my side and wrapped my arm around Craig. I sat my head on his shoulder, and let one of my legs slip over him.

We watched the stars twinkle in the clear night, both of us grinning like fools. There was no more questioning, Craig definitely felt something back. His face had red all over it, even pinking up his ears.

I sighed into his neck, wishing I could stay there forever. It was perfect. Nothing made me nervous or twitchy, I felt calm next to him. The same boy who has been on my brain since the day I met him, and never left.

I couldn't wish for anything better. I just wished the time we spent together lasted longer. The few hours we spent together, felt like mere seconds.

We got up and Craig picked me up bridal style, giving my a soft kiss on my cheek, as he began to carry me home. I could hear him whisper something in my ear, as I laid in his arms.

"I like you a lot Tweek, I'm sorry I took so long to tell you."

I smiled up at him, feeling sleep weight down my eye lids. I let a small giggle leave my lips before I responded.

"It's okay Craig. Just promise, you'll be my home, my real home. Forever. And never leave me, no matter what comes our way."

"Of course Tweek, my life would be nothing without you beside me. We'll be each other's home, for every single day of our lives... if only you could actually live in my arms." He added with a laugh at the end. I grinned until my cheeks started hurting, but even then I couldn't stop my happiness spreading to my face.

When we made it back to my house, he finally let me drop to my feet. I gave him a quick peck on the lips, and immediately pulled away. Craig didn't stop there though, pulling the collar of his own coat that I had around me, to make me kiss him again. I complied with kissing him back in a heated kiss. Forcing myself to break away for air after a while.

"Craig, I'm going in now... thank you for this."

"Anytime sweetheart." He winked with a lustful face while licking over his lips. I looked at him in shock, quickly turning to open the door to my house before I got pulled into something that ended as more than a kiss.

I rushed inside, closing the door behind me. I slowly sneaked up into my room. God, Craig was hot when he actually showed his emotions.

I'd call this a successful first date in my book.

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