24. Bad Side of Town (read warning)

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A/N)  this chapter may be triggering for some, please read with caution. It may be slightly graphic, so some may want to skip this chapter... this is the only warning, so be cautious.

I spent the day reading the texts that Clyde, Token, and Craig had sent me. Each of them spoke their worries about me, and how sorry they were. I told them I wasn't mad, and that I was okay but none of them believed me.

Craig seemed the most upset though. He said he'd come get me, wherever I went. He begged me to tell him were I went, but as I looked around me at the skating part, I decided I shouldn't.

He kept texting me about it though. He told me he was already walking around town to try and find me. I eventually gave up and told him where I was, while sending him my location on my phone.

I shut my phone off and layed it beside me. I sat there in my thoughts, impatiently waiting for Craig to show. When I heard the rattling of the fence, I expected Craig to show. Sadly, it wasn't him... it was a group of older boys.

They looked like a gang, each of them had their black bandanas around their necks. I sinked back from where I sat, I knew this group of guys. Not personally, but I knew of them. They were known as "Gnomes."

They were a gang known for stealing, and molesting people. Earning the adjective 'underpants' before their original name. I had encountered them before, but usually I just out ran them. This time though, I was in their territory.

I let out a unwanted shriek, and the guys turned towards me. Upon seeing me they ran towards me. I shook as I attempted to get up from my spot. It was useless. They had already made it over to me, pulling me down to the ground to were the whole group was.

I couldn't stop shaking, is this how I'm going to go? As two guys pinned me down, one taking my legs and the other taking my hands. I was on my back, stretched out in the circle of boys.

"GAH! I don't h-have any m-money on m-me!"

"What the fuck do you think your doing in our part of town?"

I shivered at the males voice, he was stern and husky. He had knitted his brows together as I sat there not knowing what to say. He shook his head and pinched his fingers on the bridge of his nose.

I tried to pull away from the guys holding me down, but it was no use. I could already tell what was about to happen. The guys around me started to whisper to one another and glare down at me with searching eyes. I shivered, and gave one last push against the guys who held me down.

"Feisty?" The main male of the group laughed out, as he bent down to my level, "Ya' know what we do to people who find themselves in our territory?"

I widened my eyes, I could feel a cold sweat forming on my forehead. The guys all laughed around me watching as I squirmed around.

"From that face, I think you already know?" He grinned, coming over me, placing his knees on each side of me. I squealed, this isn't good. I fought with all my force, but nothing seem to help. I regretted skipping school more then ever now.

The guy on top of me reached his dirty fingers to my face, forcing me to look at him as he started to unbuckle the belt on his pants. This isn't happening. This can't be happening. Not me. Not to me. This can't be real. I must be dreaming.

The rest of the guys around me left, heading off to a shack on another side of the skating park area. All of them muttering how they wanted to go next. I was still laying on the concrete, as he took over me. The two guys holding me down left, now all I had was the one guy on top of me. I shook with all my might, trying to tip him off of me.

My actions only seemed to make him angry. He pulled out his member. Threatening me with it, and he started to pump himself. I shut my eyes tight, trying to escape the reality of it all.

I could feel him shuffle himself closer to me, laying himself on my mouth, pressing it against my lips. I clinched every muscle in my jaw, giving him no entry. I wanted to puke. I felt sick, my whole body rebuked at the sense of his. This man I didn't know at all, was about to take advantage of my weak self, as I was still stuck under him. He had greasy brown hair that stuck to his face. He was un-groomed. His hair was grown out to his neck, and his facial hair was scruffy. His eyes were sunken in with dark bags around them.

It made me sick. I felt like I could puke, but I held it back knowing any movement from my mouth would be my weakness. The man grabbed at my jaw harshly pulling down trying to get me to open my mouth. He started to let out a string of cusses and threats at me, as I still refused him.

As he used one hand to pin mine above me, his other hand was pressing down on my throat. I could feel hot tears stream down my face, holding back my choking. I was starting to feel light headed, but I still tried to hang on for a little longer, putting in all my fight.

I started to feel dizzy from not being able to breathe. Everything seems fuzzy, and I felt myself growing sick and hot despite the cold air that surrounded me. The male above me took the chance to start unbuttoning my shirt, exposing me to the cold early winter air.

I shut my eyes against my own will, and slipped away into a dark daze. The next thing I felt was a sudden burst of weight being lifted from me. I was still dizzy, and had no clue how long I had been out.

I shifted, noticing I was free and quickly started to try and get up. As my vision started to clear, I was met with two boys in front of me rolling on the ground. I started to process what exactly I was seeing. Who and what was happening, I asked myself, as my eyes darted around in confusion. I looked to the two guys in front of me. I attempted to name the males.

That was Craig. A boy in a light blue hood, holding a large, thick stick. He was swinging it on the older boy under him, endlessly pounding down on him. That was the guy from the gang. I immediately felt a pounding head ache surface, and I tried to stand up.

As I stood from the ground, I started to sway from side to side. My balance felt off, and my button up shirt was all unbuttoned. I looked to Craig in a shocked state, as soon as he noticed to me, he ran over to me. The other male writhing in pain, while he grabbed his stomach, continuing to stay on the ground.

Craig wrapped one hand around my shoulder to help me balance. He quickly started to walk to the gate of the fence to leave.

"I-I, uhhh, Craig... my phone..."

I stuttered out, remembering that I had left my phone. Craig turned to look behind us, and so did I. The rest of the gang had came from the shack they were in and running towards us. We quickly paced to the fence, Craig hauled me over his shoulder, and climbed the fence.

The next thing I remember was running endlessly. But I felt so sick to my stomach, nothing seemed clear. Though one thing I did see, was Craig's eyes. A sparkling blue with many emotions mixed inside. And that was that. Everything started to fade out.

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