10. Around Town

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Tweek pov:

My sleep wasn't long, I was quickly disrupted by mother have about a half an hour. She called me down stairs so I fought against my heavy body and forced myself to get up.

I heaved myself down stairs, attempting to blink the sleep from my eyes. As I got down stairs my mother was standing there with two boys who looked like they were my age.

"Mom, you didn't tell me we were having company?" I stated as I attempted to make my self look decent.

"Ah yes, well Tweek, these two boys came to welcome you to the neighborhood after seeing you outside. That's all dear, I just thought you should say hi and introduce yourself."

I looked at the two boys and took them in for a moment. One of them was on the shorter side and had a bit of chub on him. He had brown hair and amber brown eyes. The other boy was dressed in a big expensive looking purple sweater and was taller than the other boy. He had chocolate eyes that matched his complexion.

I waved to them and spoke up, "I-I'm Tweek Tweak. I- um, it's nice to meet you two." I stepped forward and shook the shorter teen's hand first. He gripped my hand softly but shook my hand up and down very excitedly and  introduced himself as Clyde Donovan. The taller boy gave me a firm hand shake and a polite smile and told me his name was Token Black.

Maybe they could be my friends? They both were friendly despite me probably looking like the mess I was. Clyde quickly spoke up in the silence.

"Well, if it's alright with you and your family, since you are the same age as us, and you don't seem like a murder, I'm having a get-together at my house this Saturday. And yes, I am fully aware you don't know me, but I'm a good person I swear!" He said swinging his arm around Token.

"Plus, it sucks being a new kid, so we could get you introduced to our friends." Token added in a soft tone.

"That's nice of b-both of you." I said as my mom who was listening to us talk from a distance quickly agreed to let me go.

So, that was that. The two boys left down the road and I went back to my room. The boys seemed nice, but meeting new people made my stomach turn. I laid on my bed, starring at the ceiling.

What does a get-together consist of anyway? Maybe Kenny would be there. What if Craig was there! That'd be interesting, but not the kind of interesting that I wanted. Social anxiety was one of my greatest weakness, and I don't know anyone here.

I sighed and rolled on my side, I closed my eyes and starting playing through all the possible things that could happen in my mind.

Craig pov:

Today had been boring. I hadn't been in any mood to go out after seeing Kenny. It was such a news flash. Kenny seemed so protective of Tweek, and that just doesn't seem right to me. It feels off.

I had sat and played video games all day. I knew that Tweek and probably Kenny had both came back to town. And I was in no hurry to accidentally run into them. I knew I was only safe in my home, so I only planned to go out this Saturday. So until then I waited it out.

~time skip ;)~/still Craig pov/

It was Saturday. I woke up early and packed a bag with some cloths, headphones, and a sleeping bag just in case. I done my hair, ate breakfast,and send Clyde a text asking when would be a good time to come.

Around 11:40 was when I left my house to do to Clyde's. It was pretty early but he didn't mind so I said bye to my family and began my walk. His house wasn't near mine, it was a few block over. When I arrived, Token had already gotten there.

Clyde was setting up some chips and dip to set on his kitchen table and Token was watching tv in the living room. I went to sit with Token, and laid my bag beside the couch.

I turned to Token and asked, "who all coming?"

"Just us, Timmy, and a few other kids from school."

I nodded my head, that sounds good to me, but then Clyde chimes in with, "Oh and this new kid too!"

"..new kid?" I asked.

"Oh yeah I almost forgot," Token said, "Clyde invited this one kid named Tweek. He didn't seem bad but we don't even know him."

I gulped and spoke up from my slouched position on the couch. "Well, I know him."

Both Clyde and Token stopped and looked at me, waiting for an explanation. I didn't want to give away my secret hide out, and I don't think Tweek wants everyone to know where he's been.

"We like, saw each other this one time. It was nothing to really knowing him though." 

Before either of them could ask me any questions a knock came on the door as my saving grace. Clyde opened it up and lead Timmy in. We all sat and watched Red Racer until about 3:30.

It was supposed to be a sleep over, at least that's what Clyde told me. But I guess his plan slowly evolved to a party because as people came it became crowded.

"Clyde." I whispered as I pulled him away from a group of girls he was talking to, " What the fuck dude. I didn't sign up for a party."

"I know, I know. I guess invitations got out of hand." He mumbled to me. I only replied by flipping him off, and went upstairs to somewhere I hope would be quite.

This whole time I've been here, I never saw Tweek enter the door. I didn't see Kenny either. I opened Clyde's bedroom door and closed it behind me. It was super dark in the room and I searched to flip the light on. As I did, a voice came from Clyde's bed. A familiar one at that.

Tweek was curled up on the bed, his knees pulled up to his chest and his whole self was shaking slightly.

"Ah! Craig?"

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