14. Back to Prison

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A/N) okay so I've got me some more inspiration and what not, and I was planning on ending this story soon but I'll try and make it a little longer :) (also I'm going to try and keep it with Tweek's pov from now on)

Boring. The only word I could use to describe how the past weeks have been. I was no longer excited to be home, or to go to school. I have lived inside my room, only coming out when I needed food.

My parents insisted that if I didn't want to go hang out with friends, or go outside, that'd I need to start working at their coffee shop. So that's what I did, from 4-8 pm.

I didn't mind, it kept me sane. Being surrounded by coffee was not a problem either. Kenny would come and visit every so often, and I'd fix him something on the house. I also got to meet his sister and her friend Tricia.

Both of them were really nice, Karen was pretty quite and liked to follow rules. Tricia had a slight temper, but Karen could easily calm her down. Tricia reminded me of someone when she flipped out her middle finger. But that someone I tried to forget.

The few days before school started, I spent my time preparing my mental state. I'd only have to see Craig in the hallways if I was lucky. Kenny would always be there to help me too, even if he's around Cartman and his other friends.


A few days past, and the first day back at school came. I'm sure no one wanted to be there, but for me especially, I didn't want to go back into a prison.

School at the boot-camp was awful, but at least it had order in the classroom. Here was just a mess, no assigned seats, very few teachers per grade, and small lunches.

As I walked through the hallways at the school I overheard everyone's conversations. Mostly about how they were going to miss the old lunch, and how this school was twice as big.

My parents had already registered me and I had all my papers that I needed crushed by my hands. My locker number was 004. My lockers hall was near the entry of the school by the majority of the freshman classes. My locker already had a few people surrounding it.

One was a short boy with a mostly shaved head besides the hair directly on top. He was wearing a blue jacket that zipped up far enough to cover his neck. The other was a kid with dark , brown-black hair that had long bangs covering his eyes a little. He was wearing a red and baby blue jacket with a start trek shirt under it. As I slowly walked to them, they both paused their conversation and moved to the side, seeing that I was trying to get to my locker. I opened my locker without a word to them and put my backpack in on the hooks. I had to stand on the tips of my toes to reach the hooks.

"Hey, you need help..?"

"AH- N-no I'm fine, thank you." I said as I closed my locker after finally getting my bag hooked inside.

"Hiya!" The blonde boy said with a big smile, staring at me with sparkling eyes, "My name's Leopard Scotch, but everyone calls me Butters!"

I smiled, he seemed friendly, "I'm Tweek Tweak, I'm new here... well I haven't lived here s-since the beginning of middle school."

I turned, leaning my back on the lockers so I could see both boys. The dark haired boy introduced himself next.

"I'm Kevin."

I nodded my head, "Nice to m-meet you both, I hope we can see each other more, but I'm going to go try and find my classes n-now."

"We could go with you!" Butters shouted as I started to walk away.

"GAH! A-Alright!"

From there, we all easy found our classes for the rest of the day since they were all in the same area.  The day was laid back, no teachers assigning anything but syllabuses to be signed.

I kept my eyes down for the most part, I could navigate just find watching everyone's feet around me. A lot of kids had converse on, so I couldn't really spot Craig by his feet if I wanted to. Not that I did want to, I wanted nothing to do with him.

When lunch time came, I rushed through the halls and out the front doors. I already read that the school policy allows students can eat outside in the field around the school. I chose to go to the side of the school and sit under a tree. I didn't pack lunch or anything, so I took the time to take in my surroundings.

The field had mostly green grass, but it would soon be dying in the cold air. The trees leaves looked brittle and most of them were starting to change colors. The birds were chirping and pecking around in the ground. The sky was a baby blue with a few thin long clouds starched across. It looked like a small blanket that had been ripped from trying to fit over the sky. The wind wasn't too bad, but when it did blow, you could feel the cold right into your bones.

No kids had joined me outside from what I could see. I sat on the furthest tree from the school field,  it was placed just a while away from the fencing around the school. I had sat facing the school, so I'd be aware if anyone had come to attack me.

Nothin eventful happened for the most part. I did see a familiar over weight kid screaming as he left the school. I could really hear his voice from this far away but he made two finger fun signs and pointed away as he ran off.  Guess he was going home.

By the time lunch was over, I had two more classes in the day. In my last block class, I sat in the corner near the window, like I did in every class.  Nothing seemed different until the boy I've been trying not to think about, walked right in the door.

He wore a straight face, not phased by all the loud kids yelling and moving around before the bell rang to officially start class. He was in a baggy black hoodie and his hat.

For a moment, I thought he had noticed me staring and had started to walk over to me. Instead, he took a seat diagonal in front of me. His seat was beside a girl with long blonde curly hair. I had her in a lot of my classes, so far she seemed okay.

She never looked my way or anything. She just seemed so bored at everything, and seemed kinda punk. Even though the girls she hanged out with were all in matching dresses, she wore a black plain T shirt and blue jeans, with a red flannel wrapped around her waste.

Her and Craig started to talk to each other, both of them seemed to lighten up. It hurt to watch. Craig was so rude to him that last day they talked. It brought back the cold stone in my stomach.

I put my head down on my desk, my arms crisscrossed under me. I looked out the window, but instead of focusing on the view outside, I looked at my reflection.

My blonde hair was a mess, and the bags under my eyes did not help. I sighed as I could see Craig laughing slightly in the reflection as well.

Today wasn't too bad, I tried to reason with myself. But Craig's voice entered my ears and stricken me with pains.

Why are you in mind, Craig Tucker?

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