23. Locked Away

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A/N) yo my school is out for sickness, so I got an extra day off! Anyway, hope everyone is still liking the story!!!

Craig and I have still not changed. After that day, I kept it together, and hid my feelings. I made sure him and no one else knew how defeated I was.

A few days have pasted and the only thing Craig said to me about his father was a text saying, "Sorry he's like that with everyone." Which hurt me more, did Craig's dad think Craig was gay for every guy friend? Doesn't that make me even less special?

Whatever. Nothing could stop us from being so close. It was a Wednesday at school, and everything was running as smooth as it could be for school. I sat in my class, tapping my pencil on my desk, counting down the minutes till the bell rang.

Then I would be able to go to lunch and sit beside Craig. Craig and I had agreed that if we were to hang out, we would do it at my house, or in a group. It wouldn't be so bad, it's not like anything changed between us. Nothing changed at all. Nothing at all.

I scribbled on my paper below me, not even realizing that I was doodling little hearts. I quickly erased them from the paper, and sighed as the faint imprint they left on the paper.

I leaned back in my seat and closed my eyes. The teacher was giving a lecture about how our class average was low. I zoned out to listen to the conversation taking place behind me. Bebe was chatting up a storm to another girl named Red.

I faintly heard, "Yea! He's been acting so distant these past weeks! But all the sudden, he asked me out! I guess he just had cold feet or something."

I heard the two girls giggle in excitement. That was Bebe. She had to be talking about Craig. And if she was talking about Craig, then does that mean her and Craig were official? Why didn't Craig tell me?

The bell interrupted my thoughts, I quickly gather my stuff, and shoved it all in my bag. I got up from my seat, only to be pushed back down. I tipped down easily due to the weight of my bag, but it was still a hard push. Bebe walked past me with a smirk on her face and she strutted out the door.

Kenny and Butters who had been sitting on the other end of class together, walked over to me.

"Oh my goodness, Tweek, are you alright?"

Butters questioned, overreacting about it. I just gave him a shrug. Kenny gave me a concerned look.

"Why would she do that to you!" Butters pestered, wanting to solve the problem. Kenny gave Butters a pat on his shoulder indicating him to stop. I knew then and there, Kenny knew.

I shook at the thought. That's a big secret that Kenny knew, and I didn't even have to tell him. He and I both knew in the moment what was happening. I liked Craig, and Bebe just stole my spot by his side.

We walked down the wall way together and went our separate ways. They were going to sit outside together. They offered me to come with if things got weird in lunch today, Butters was quickly catching on too.

I waved them off and walked to my designated lunch table. Craig wasn't there though, no one was there. I sat at the table alone, pulling out a book from my bag to not seem awkward. I decided not to get lunch today, my stomach probably would have just rejected it.

I propped my book open on the table and let my vision wonder around the lunch room. I spotted his hat first. There he sat, Bebe and him holding hands under the table. Along with Clyde and Token, with their own girls.

I wanted to cry, I felt so abandoned at the moment. I felt so unwanted, that I'd be better dead than alive in this moment. To cope with the sinking feeling I felt, I laughed.

I guess Craig was right when he said everyone was starting to get together before winter break. I could feel my eyes watering, I wanted to do something, anything else than this.

Craig always said 'do things in the moment, so you don't regret not doing it'. So following his word, that's exactly what I did. I threw my book back into my bag, and walked to there table.

It was a big rectangle table, filled with mainly popular kids and all couples. I stared down each and everyone one of them. I could feel a laugh rising in my throat, only hiding the tears that threaten to fall.

"Hey guys!" I said not stuttering, or interrupting myself with my nervous ticks.

They all looked down at the table, avoiding my eyes. Craig tensed, but kept his straight face looking towards the table. I twitched as I giggled. Was I so pathetic, that they could even muster the strength to look at me? Fine then.

"I was wondering, which one of you dicks forgot to tell me that we were sitting at a different table today?"

None of them responded so I continued, "That's alright though! Don't w-worry about it! I found a different place to sit anyway..." I started to walk around the side of the table Craig was on, and stopped standing behind him.

"Also! I'd like to remind all of you not to come to the coffee shop anymore, wouldn't want to get spit in your coffee!"

I turned on my heal and left in a hurry. I rushed outside to see Kenny and Butters sitting beside each other on a picnic table. I sighed as I watched Butters face light up as Kenny said something.

I sighed, and left the school grounds. I wandered around town, with my backpack still weighing me down. As I walked, I came across a old skating park. It was on the East side of town, at the very outskirts of town.

I threw my bag over the fence that surrounded the area, and then climbed over. It was empty, and quiet. I went to the back of the large area, there was two ramps that had ladders on each side so skaters could start at the top. I crawled up, and sat on the side with my feet dangling down.

I wished I didn't follow Craig's advice. They were all probably laughing at me now. I was now safely located far, far away from the whole town. I felt separated from the world, I felt separated from myself.

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