22. One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

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A/N) hehe hope everyone is enjoying this!! Thank you all so much for reading, it literally makes me so happy, even if it's just a few people. Also I'm writing this on Valentines Day, so Happy Late Valentines cause i'll be posting this later. :D

Me and Craig have hanged out any time we could the past weeks, and we have gotten really close. I haven't told him about my feelings for him yet, but I'm working my way to it.

It was yet another beautiful Friday that I got to go to Craig's after school. We planned on watching a new episode of his favorite show, and doing one of our school projects.

I walked out of my last period class, with Craig beside me. His arms were tucked into his hoodie, while mine were shoved into the pockets on my pants. We had hurried out of the class as fast as possible because Craig was avoiding Bebe.

Bebe has became too clingy for Craig to withstand. They were both starting to go their separate ways, and I was quite bubbly about it. We left the school with a quick goodbye to Token and Clyde who were going to the movies or something like that.

As we walked home, Craig brought up relationships. Mentioning how winter break was coming up, and a lot of couples get together before.

"So Tweekers, do you think anyone wants to get with you?"

"GAH- N-No... Weird question, but don't you think Clyde and Token are getting close, like AGH- more that n-normal?"

Craig laughed for a moment before answering, "Oh definitely! And before long, Nicole will be getting jealous."

"I bet so... What about y-you and Bebe?" I asked out of curiosity, hoping Craig will answer with something about how nothing is going to happen between them. They were "talking" and "a thing" but they never actually made it to the girlfriend and boyfriend title.

"I don't really know. There's nothing wrong with her, I'm just not feeling it, ya' know?"

"Ooh Craig Tucker, d-do you ever feel, anything?" I said sarcastically, starting to laugh as I watched him make a weird face towards me. He quickly turned his head away from me, tugging on the strings on each side of his hat.

"I do feel things! Like all the time!" He yelped back, his face still turned away from me.

"Oh really now? What kind of t-things?"


I burst out laughing at his vague reply. Poor Craig, maybe he doesn't feel anything. I probably wasn't any exception, but that wouldn't be too bad. If I couldn't have him, maybe no one could.

We got into his house, and went straight to his living room. It was just us and his little sister in the house. I had found out that Tricia was Craig's sister, which didn't take much considering both of them loved flipping their middle fingers.

We sat and watched the show in silence, I leaned my head onto Craig's shoulder. I hoped he wouldn't mind, I was just feeling a little tired. That, and I really wanted a excuse to get closer to him.

He didn't seem to care much, because he wrapped his arm around my side, pulling me closer. The sudden touch sent jitters all through my body, and now being pulled closer to Craig, I could feel his warmth.

It was like a home, a real home. We wanted to start over, and we did. We became best friends, and on our search for a 'real home' I realized he was my home. I felt like there was a chance he felt the same way, but preferred to keep that thought to myself. Everything felt so cozy as I nuzzled just a bit closer to him.

After a while, someone came through the front door of Craig's house. We were still sitting next to each other watching tv. Craig's arm still laid around my waist and my head still laid on his shoulder. I looked up, shifting a little bit away from Craig.

It was his father. I hadn't seen him much, I assumed it was because of work, but I feel like there is more to the story than that. Craig quickly pulled away from me, leaning as far away as he could from me. He didn't make eye contact with his father though, he just stiffly watched the tv. His deep blue eyes seemed clouded, I scooted farther away.

Maybe his father didn't like me? I sat as still as I could and gazed into the tv, though my ears focused on Craig's father's footsteps. Before I knew it, I could feel his presence beside the couch we were on.

My eyes were begging to take a peek over, but I concentrated on the tv as much as I could. I could feel Craig waver beside me, and shift to turn towards his father.

"H-hey Dad. Didn't think you'd be home, haha." Craig let out a forced laugh at the end of the sentence. I could already tell this wasn't going to end well. Was I not supposed to be here? Is Craig not aloud to have friends over right now? I have came over countless of times without Craig's family being present. Maybe it was never aloud, and we just weren't caught?

Craig's Dad tapped his foot on the ground, I could feel his anger radiating through the floor. I finally tore my face from the tv screen to look over at them. Craig stood up from the couch, and his father crossed his arms.

"Craig. Tucker. You know better than to be home alone with another boy! What did I tell you already!"

"Dad. Please don't do this right now, this is not like that!"

What were they talking about? I sat quietly piecing together what they meant. Something that never really crossed my mind. Craig's Dad thought we were gay? It sounded kind of silly in my head, but is this really what's happening right now?

"Get him out of my house. I saw you two laid up on the couch together. I want nothing to do with that, in my house!"

"Dad listen! It's not what you think! Tweek-"

"That's enough Craig. If I can't trust you no more than this, then we are going to have to sort this out. I don't want you around your... your what? Boyfriend? What ever it is... it's Disgusting!"

"I don't like Tweek like that! I'm not gay, and I never will be! Me and him are just friends!"

"Let's talk about this later, get him out of my house." Craig's Dad was fuming at me, I quickly got up and let myself out of the house.

It hurt. It hurt a lot. Craig's Dad was so mean. And Craig's words about me, were the worst thing ever. I had kept hoping and hoping. Believing in a little hope because I didn't have proof. But I had proof now. Craig didn't like me, and he never will. I feel so betrayed.

If Craig finds out though, he'll find out I like him. I decided on my walk home, that I'd never tell Craig. Craig was straight, and I had no place to ruin our friendship over my feelings.

I felt empty. Hollow to my core. My hope was crushed, and so was my heart.

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