7. The meet up

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A/N) gonna try and write in third person today, also I'm V glad that people are actually reading this, so tysm :))

Tweek made it to the cliff edge first. He was shaking and twitching way more than usual. His thoughts were whirling around him. The panic of the small chance of not being able to go home hit him. He clenched his chest and sat down, not too close to the edge.

The next to come was Craig. A small smile grew on his face when he came upon Tweek sitting in the same spot they've sat before. But it quickly vanished as he saw Tweek's watery eyes look up at him. Something inside Craig flipped and he immediately ran to Tweek.

He wasn't thinking twice before wrapping him in a hug. Tweek didn't hug back at first, shocked by Craig's warmth. But after a beat, he let his hands wrap around the other boy.

"What's wrong Tweek?" His voice showing more emotion than his usual state.

"I-I might n-not get to go home. A-and my p-parents might n-not want me b-back." Tweek whined, pulling away from the hug.

"Don't be silly Tweek! Look, I was just at the coffee shop, and your parents were so excited when they got the call!"

Tweek quickly went quite from his sobs,
"What, r-really?"

Tweek used his sleeve to wipe his nose, and attempted to sniffle up his tears. Craig sat close to him, he couldn't help but stare at the boy. He was some what amusing to Craig, Tweek was nothing like anyone he has ever met before.

He patted Tweek's back, and quickly looked out over the cliffs edge, as he noticed Tweek caught him staring. Both boys awkwardly stared off into the distance in silence. Tweek was wrapping his mind around how his life was going to change soon. And as for Craig, he wasn't sure what to think. If anything he was questioning himself at why he'd been so quick to comfort Tweek when he barely knew him.

Sure, their meet ups gave them plenty of time to get to know each other. But outside of talking about their interests and daily life's , they didn't know much about who exactly each other were. Though, those bonds only happen over time..

Kenny had been running in the woods for a while now, he wasn't exactly sure where to head. His back was aching from getting under the fence, Kenny definitely wasn't as small as Tweek and should have known it would have hurt.

As Kenny rustled through the branches of the woods around him, he comes upon a clearing. It's on a huge ledge that stretched around in a circle.  Definitely a breath taking view, no wonder Tweek comes here he thought.

He quickly got back on track, and went around the cliffs edge. Nearly falling a few times, but death never phased Kenny. He soon came across Tweek and Craig sitting together. Close together.

His old friend Craig looked up at him, confusion, sadness, and guilt all mixed around in his deep blue eyes. Craig stood up from his spot, but didn't take any steps to get closer to Kenny. As for Kenny, he attempted to hide all the rage building in him and walked right past Craig. Kenny quickly embraced Tweek in a small hug, who had also stood up.

Kenny linked arms with Tweek and started to walk Tweek back into the woods, trying to leave without making any notion to Craig.

"Kenny." Craig piped up before they could leave, only Tweek turned his head to look back at Craig, "I, I.. I'm glad your okay." Craig stood there, jumbling up his words and quickly thinking of something else to say.

"Craig, first of all fuck you, of course I'm doing okay. Second, me and Tweek will be leaving back to where we are supposed to be. Thanks for finding him, but he's not your problem. Cause lord knows, you couldn't handle a little trouble maker." Kenny sternly spoke and tightened his grip on Tweek's arm. He didn't bother to even face Craig.

Tweek was uncomfortable, and was practically being consumed by the tension in the air.
"GAH- t-too much pr-pressure!" He attempted to say to himself but it came out as a yell instead. He looked from Kenny to Craig.

Both of them were mad but both stood there in silence anyway. Tweek hated situations like this. This was a waste of a perfectly good time to fix troubles. But Kenny stomped Tweek and him off into the woods without another word.

Along the way back, Tweek and Kenny kept silent. Tweek was dying in the silence, and Kenny knew that all too well. He just didn't know what to say to help calm Tweek down.

But in hopes to clear the air Kenny began,
" I'm sorry Tweek, I was acting like an ass back there. But Craig? I haven't seen him in so long, it just all came back to me. And the fact that he was with you.. I don't know... I just don't have any trust for him, and I had no control over what he might say to you. And.. I don't want you to get hurt. And-"

"KENNY JESUS! I get it, I get it. But you and C-Craig are going to have to sort that mess out eventually. And Kenny, you don't have to worry about me a-anymore, when I go back home, I won't have you around all the time. I know good and w-well that I can handle my self."

Kenny just heaved a deep sigh. And quickly went back to his chill persona as they finished their walk back to camp. The silence wasn't as uncomfortable anymore. Tweek explained that he had found out that he passed already and when the got to their cabin he started to pack up all his stuff.

Craig had stood there, even after Kenny and Tweek left. Craig was coming to realize how little he knew about who Tweek really was. Him and Kenny had a whole life outside of what Craig saw. Craig knew he only saw a small bit into what Tweek's and Kenny's life were.

Craig paced his way home, no longer in any mood to stay. He had to mentally prepare himself, knowing that if Tweek was coming back, then Kenny probably is too.

A/N) :,) schools got me tired. But ugH I'm writing anyway lmao.
Hope y'all enjoy, thanks for reading!!

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