25. Saved Me

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A/N) my whole family has the stomach flu but me, and I'm shook. ;( // hope the last chapter didn't bother anyone, I was feeling like doing something dark

When I woke, I felt warmth all around me. As my vision cleared and my memory came rushing back, I jumped up with a shrill yelp. I looked around to see myself laying in my own bed. I looked to my side to see a bloody knuckled Craig laying beside me.

His eyes blinked open, and he smiled softly at me. He sat up in bed, against the backboard, just like I was. I let out a heavy sigh, and turned to look at him.

He was naturally beautiful, his resting face sent sparks to my heart. I spoke up, clearing my throat.

"How'd you get me h-here...?"

"I knew your parents aren't home at this time of day, and I also know where your family hides the extra key."

He sent me a soft smirk, as if he was trying to calm me using his looks. Even if he wasn't meaning to, it did significantly help. My twitches slowed as I went to speak again.

"I'm sorry you had to save me, that was d-dangerous..."

"It was dangerous, but I'm glad I was there in time, I don't think he had made his way into doing anything yet."

"Oh... yeah I passed out just as he started unbuttoning my shirt. Is that when you got there?" I lifted my eyes to Craig from the bed.

"Yeah, that's when I got there... he didn't hurt you too bad, did he? We can go call the police now if you want... I wanted to wait till you woke in case you wanted to keep this as a secret... I know people do that sometimes..." Craig trailed off, scratching at the back of his head as he looked around my room nervously.

Craig Tucker showing emotions? Caring for me? I felt my face heat up, and naturally went to hug onto Craig. I rested my head on his chest, and closed my eyes.

"Thank you Craig."

His hand slowly trailed onto my back, pulling me close to him. It was blissful for a few moments, before I felt a buzz come from Craig's pants. It was his phone going off.

He shifted away from me, and dug it out from his pocket. He had received a text from Bebe, she was asking him where he went repeatedly. I sighed, and rolled away to the other side of the bed, laying on my side facing away from Craig.

The window of my room let in warm golden rays of sunshine. I watched all the dust particles float in the air. I could hear Craig's fingers type away on his phone screen.

I felt weak still. I looked to my wrists to see little purple bruises forming around them. I sighed and rolled to my back. I stared up at the ceiling.

Here I was laying in bed next to my best friend, after being saved by him from a rapist. It was a lot to take in. For the most part, I think I was in shock. I let the memory play through my head again, I remembered how angry I saw Craig.

He was using all his force to beat upon the man. He had saved me from a terrible fate. I closed my eyes and huffed out some air, blowing at my hair. I wish Craig knew how I felt. I wish I knew how Craig felt. Well I did know...

I was only a friend to him, he had a girlfriend. While I only had him. He was the one I wanted to be with. I wanted to have a title that wasn't just 'friends'. I wanted more. More than anything, I wanted to confess.

I turned over to him, looking at how fast his fingers pecked at his phone screen. His eyes were clouded with thought, and his eyebrows were furrowed. He had a frown on his face, but as soon as he looked towards me, it faded.

I quickly covered my face in my hands in embarrassment. I couldn't confess to him now, I wasn't thinking clearly. He laughed at me for a moment before turning his phone off, and shaking his head.

His eyes trailed down to my wrists, the bruises showing clearly now. I sighed and shuffled my way up to lay on the backboard of the bed, beside him. I held my wrists out in front of us, so we both could get a better look.

Craig took one of my wrists in his hand, and tugged it gently closer to him. He gave a mad face at my wrist, as if it had done something wrong.

"I'm sorry I didn't get there sooner. I'm really sorry. I'm sorry for not telling you we planned on moving tables. I'm sorry we decided to not invite you over to the table. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about me and Bebe..."

"It's okay, I don't b-blame you..."

"I promised I would be there for you, and I wasn't. I'm so sorry Tweek."

I gave Craig a faint smile, as I watched his thumb make circles on my wrists. He placed my wrist back down beside me and sighed. I felt sad I lost the touch between us.

We both sat there In silence. I was starting to feel the embarrassment. I was starting to feel the humiliation as I remembered how weak I was. I was starting to feel the pain of what actually happened effect me.

I clenched my fists, and Craig quickly turned his head to me. I looked away from him, I felt awful. Realization hit, and I felt so exposed. I felt stripped and bare, with no walls to cover or hide my wounds. I let out a weak cry and tears started to blur my vision.

Craig layed in silence beside me, not really knowing how to act. Once he tried to reach for my hand, but I quickly pulled away. Yes, I pulled away from Craig's touch. Normally I would have craved to connect with Craig, but not now. I felt broken, and I didn't want him to have to feel my weak shaky hand.

After what felt like forever, Craig left my house. Saying that his dad would get mad if he wasn't home. My parents came home soon after and I told them that I dropped my phone in a toilet at school. They agreed to get me a new one, so no harm done.

I never told them of what actually went on that day. Which was fine with me, it was embarrassing enough that Craig had to see me in such a weak position. I didn't want anyone's pity, I just wanted some time alone.

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