27. I Need To Tell You

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A/N) when this story ends, you should go read my other one, hehe. Anyway, thank you all for reading this far, it means a lot :)

I stood in the bathroom of my house, applying excessive amount of deodorant. I knew that the dance was going to be packed with sweaty teens, making it ten times hotter than normal in there.

I stood in front of the sink, staring at myself in the mirror. My arms were exposed, but my scars were faint. I haven't had any urge to do anything to myself recently, and most of my scars were thin white lines. No one would notice in a dark room.

I slipped my shirt on my arms, and took about ten tries to button it up correctly. I was beaming with pride as I finally got it done correctly.

I grabbed my bow tie next, it was a pre-tied one, so I didn't have to worry much about getting it on. After I got all my cloths on, I took one look at my hair.

The golden blonde strands fluffing up around my head. I wetted my hand in an attempt to pat it down a little. I quickly realized there was no hope for my hair.

I looked at the clock on the wall to see it was 6:15 pm. Which gave me 15 minutes to walk to school. I headed out the door of my house, not having anyone to say goodbye to since my parents were at work.

I walked to the school in a speed walk, wishing I had brought a coat with me. When I made it to the school I quickly jumped into the building. I immediately felt the heat of all the action inside. Outside of the gym was a booth asking for 10 bucks to get in.

Definitely a over payment, but it was worth it knowing I was going to see Craig. I gave them the money, and went inside. It was a big long room, completely dark besides the string of lights on the wall. A sea of people were already dancing inside, I could hear the DJ's booth at the other end of the gym floor.

I felt nervous as I looked around. How was I going to find Craig if everyone's shadow looked the same. The heat radiating from the couples dancing was enough to make me sweat.

I quickly rushed to the other side of the gym. It was the darkest corner, and not many people were over here due to how quiet the music was.

I could barely hear any music at all, all the chatter from the teens dancing covered it up majorly. I sighed and leaned against the wall.

I kept my eyes peeled to make sure if I saw Craig I could get to him. I zoned out to the sound of the bass in the music, the one thing I could hear over everything else.

Most of the girls wore skimpy dresses, while a few wore long expensive ones. I didn't understand girls in the slightest. I watched as lots of them had to run out to fix their makeup they were sweating off.

I grunted as I saw a familiar girl, one with fluffy blonde curls and wearing a red skin tight dress. I sighed, some part of me wished I was like her. Just so I could have Craig by my side.

I watched her go into the crowd, then dive back out with a boy attached to her hip. The boy was tall and slender. He was wearing a black button up shirt, and no hat. I smiled fondly noticing how amazing Craig looked. His hair was done nicely, and I could feel my stomach bubble up.

I watched as Bebe weaved him back into the massive crowd. I sighed, and stood from were I was leaning on the wall. I hesitated to join the mass of dancing teens, but pushed in anyway. I looked around to see Kevin. He wasn't doing much dancing, if anything he seemed uncomfortably packed between people. I laughed and headed over to him, he immediately grabbed on to my shoulders.

"HEY TWEEK, IT IS SO GOOD TO SEE A FACE I KNOW!" He yelled above the music, but I still could barely make out what he was saying. I let out a laugh, and put my hands on his shoulders. His own hands were still on mine as we swung around in the crowd.



I dashed my eyes around the room, pulling away from Kevin as soon as I spotted Bebe's red dress. I waved to Kevin and started to walk off, I saw his mouth move but I couldn't actually tell what he was saying.

I pushed through the crowd to see Bebe and Clyde dancing very close to each other. I recoiled at the sight. As I neared closer, I saw Craig a little farther behind them, looking at her in disappointment. I felt my blood boil, and I shoved Bebe away from Clyde. She yelled at me and flipped me the bird, I rolled my eyes and made my way over to Craig.

His eyes were still glued to the scene, even as I stood in front of him. I pulled on his shirt sleeve, and looked to him with pleading eyes.

He tore his eyes away to look at me and let a smile curl up the edge of his lips. I dragged him over to my spot I had been before I joined the crowd. The dark area made it hard to see Craig's facial features.

I pulled him over, I laid my back against the corner of the wall. Pulling Craig to cover me from everyone, though no one was looking. Occasionally a light from the disco ball would flash over us, and lit up Craig's face with light.

It was so loud, and the bass of the music boomed rhythmically. Craig places both his hands on each wall beside me. I opened my mouth, but it suddenly felt dry.

I gulped down some hot air before I whispered, "Craig, I need to tell you something!"

Craig shook his head, and moved in closer.


I pulled back, feeling his breath hitting my face. I know it was loud in here, but did he really have to yell? I went to talk again, just a bit louder.

"I n-need to tell you something."

He moved his face in more, and hunched over slightly. We were nearly eye to eye and I titled my head up a little to get a better view of him. I could feel his breath on my lips now, making a shiver run down my spine.


He asked simply, though /what/ I was about to tell him wasn't very simple at all. I felt my whole body heat up, and panicked. I wish I thought of a better plan than to just do this naturally.

"I-I really want you to know that... you mean so much to m-me..." I stuttered out, not breaking contact with his eyes.

"You mean a lot to me too."

I watched his eyes trail down to my shirt, I could see the faint lines on his face making a smile.

"Nice shirt, it's my favorite color and it's buttoned correctly."

"GAH! Craig! I have more to say!"

"Okay? Go on Tweekers, I'm listening."

I blushed at his pet name for me. I loved when he called me that. It made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

"Craig, when we decided to start over, we both said we wanted to f-find our true homes, remember?"

"Yeah, I remember it like it was yesterday."

"Okay... well, I t-think I discovered my home."

"Oh really?" He laughed, "What is it?"

"W-Well, it's more of a w-who, than a what..."

"Tweek that's awesome, who's the special girl... I mean boy?"

I let out a fake laugh, and whisper his name under my breath. Craig leaned in closer, still expecting me to answer.

'It's you' I breathe out faintly. I saw Craig's face change for a moment, oh god, did he hear me? This was beginning to feel like way too much pressure.

Craig leaned in again, "What was that?"

"I -ACK- I said..."

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