Chapter 9 - I Kindly Told Him To Fuck Off

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[Above is the trailer I made for this book! I hope you enjoy it :)]

There's always a tomorrow and it always gets better. - Ariana Grande

 - Ariana Grande

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"What the fuck is that dirty bastard doing here?" Lillian growled as she stood next to Arthur, who gripped her arm tightly to stop her from moving as the pair watched as Tommy brought Mr. Kimber and his accountant into his office.

"He's doing business checks apparently, now we know which horses are going to win business is better thanks to him." Arthur explained, and Lillian scoffed.

"Well he can go to hell for all I fucking, care." She replied ripping her arm away from Arthurs grip before crossing them.

"John, Lovelock, Scudboat. In here!" Tommy called and the two watched as the three went into Tommy's office. It wasn't long before Mr. Kimber and his accountant came out of the room and it wasn't long until Billy noticed Lillian, stopping where he was and turning his head to her, he smirked as if he had done nothing wrong and Lillian's anger grew, her fists clenching before she quickly made her way to him wanting to punch him in the fucking face only to be grabbed by Arthur, who lifted her up in the air.

"Lillian stop, for Christ sake" He shouted in her ear as she kicked up a fuss, kicking her legs to get out of his grip as Billy jumped back a little at the sight of the woman's advances. She ignored Arthur, trying harder to escape as Tommy, who had heard his brothers shouting, came out of the office, noticing the situation and taking quick strides until he stood in front of Lillian.

His blue eyes pierced into Lillian's ones, as he grabbed her face softly, doing everything to move her gaze from Mr. Kimber's who was quickly being escorted out by John along with the accountant. "Lillian calm down, eh? Eh? There's no need for this."

"There is so a fucking need Thomas seeing as he tried to fucking rape me." Lillian snapped, her struggling going down slightly so Arthur would loosen his grip which he did, and Lillian took advantage of that, stamping hard on his foot and he realised her in surprise as she made a run for it only to be lifted again, only this time over the shoulder. She gasped and looked at who it was.

"THOMAS SHELBY, YOU PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANCE!" She shouted, banging her hands on his back to get him to drop her as he carried her through to dinning room at the back of the house. She still wasn't on good terms with him after Billy Kimber, her anger did lessen due to the near death by explosion yesterday, but he wasn't helping by doing this. He walked in, turning around to close the doors for privacy before setting her down carefully on the dinning table. Lillian tried to make another run for it, but Tommy held her wrists and stood directly in front of her as she struggled pathetically, her anger diminishing slightly as Tommy just watched her.

"You done?" he asked, and Lillian nodded, giving up and falling limply into Tommy's arm, her head resting on his chest as he held her hands, her breathing heavy from all the struggling she did and she closed her eyes as gave into Tommy's comfort, something she wasn't aware the man had but it seemed he only did this in the privacy of his family or her. He let go of her hands, softly gliding them up her arms and shoulder before stopping on her head, stroking her hair as she wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling him closer as she sighed in comfort. "I-I'm Sorry for the races."

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