Chapter 25 - Till death do us part

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Dying is an art, like everything else. I do it exceptionally well. - Slyvia Plath 

"What do you mean he's in Jail?!" Lillian shouted down the phone

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"What do you mean he's in Jail?!" Lillian shouted down the phone.

"Scotland Yard came and took him." John replied.

"For Christ sake John, how long has he been there?"

"Over an hour."

"An hour! Why has it taken you so long to phone me? I'm going down there to get him back." Lillian said quickly, pacing up and down the office. She was worried, very worried. Police around Birmingham were on the payroll, but Scotland Yard was a completely different story. They could do anything to him.

"Don't Lillian. Tommy said not to worry about it." John stated casually and Lillian huffed.

"Of, course he fucking did but Scotland Yard could be doing anything to him."

"It's Tommy he has it under control."

"Yeah okay John, keep believing that." She replied sarcastically before she heard a rumble of an engine. "Wait I hear a car, it'll be Tommy. I've gotta go."

She hung up before he replied, putting the phone on the table before running to the door, only for it to slam right open. A worried Tommy running past Lillian without a single glance. She ran after him, calling his name quietly so that she wouldn't wake Charlie but that was where Tommy was going. She walked through the door just as he put something in his pocket and sigh in relief. Charlie started crying, his sleep getting disrupted by the noise and Tommy went over to him, stroking his cheek in comfort before standing up again.

"What's wrong? Is everything alright?" Lillian asked.

"Yes." He panted, going over to her. "Everything's fine. Everything's fine."

"You promised Tommy." Lillian replied. "I trust you." He gave her a hug, resting his chin on her shoulder. "I trust you Tommy."

"Yes, he's fine, he's fine." Tommy let go of the embrace, looking down at Charlie and Lillian was confused. He walked out the room, heading towards their own one and Lillian stared down at their sons sleeping figure before Tommy called her name. "Lily, Lily. We gotta go." He whispered, dragging her into their room and she turned and looked at him. Her worry increasing as she watched Tommy look at Charlie's room as if he didn't want to leave.

"Okay something is wrong and your gonna tell me right now." Lillian ordered quietly, grabbing his hand and pulling him into the room, closing the door quietly behind her.

"It's nothing I promise." He said and Lillian shook her head.

"You're lying to me, I know you are. I've never seen you this worried and what did you put in your pocket in Charlie's room?" She asked walking over to him.

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