Chapter 19 - Satisfactory Or Unsatisfactory?

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Don't wait. The time will never be just right. - Napoleon Hill

 - Napoleon Hill

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She was on her way back from the pub after singing when she saw a someone sitting on the steps of the Shelby household, well Polly's house. It was well into the night and she knew it wasn't any of the boys as they were still at the pub and wouldn't be returning to the house until the morning. She stopped going in the direction of her house and went across the street. She could only see the outline of his figure, so she walked towards him slowly as he seemed to be curled up on the step to keep warm.

"You alright there?" She asked hesitantly, and the boys head snapped up and he sighed in relief.

"You're the girl I saw a couple days ago, I don't know if you remember me but its Henry." He said quietly, and Lillian eyes widened as she rushed over.

"Michael you actually came. How long have you been out here?" She asked worriedly.

"A couple hours." He replied with a shrug. "When will they be back?"

"Not until tomorrow morning. They all like staying out late, even your mother."

"Oh okay." He said and sat back down, Lillian raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms.

"Do you really think I'm gonna let you stay outside all night? You're staying with me for the night, don't need you getting a cold. Polly would have my head if that happened." Lillian brought him to his feet and they walked across the street to her house. "Right I'll make you something to eat and then I'll take you to my brother, Harry's room cause he'll be out fuckin some whore all night so don't worry about him coming back alright?"

"You don't need to do that." He refused, and Lillian scoffed.

"It's the least I could do and besides you need your strength for tomorrow because god knows you'll need it with that family, there fucking crazy, but I like them anyway."


The next day, she led Michael to the house and waited as mother and son was reunited before leaving them in the kitchen for some privacy as she went and sat in the other room, reading the paper. It wasn't until she could hear Arthur's loud obnoxious voice in the street did she move into the kitchen as she didn't know how this could go. Even Polly seemed a little anxious when she heard his voice.

"Run for the hills! 'It's the Digbeth Kid!'" Arthur shouted as the door smashed open, John dancing backwards with his gun in the air and Lillian shook her head at their childlike brains as Michael jumped up from his seat to look at them.

"Get out of town, kid, or I'll shoot your fucking head off!" John shouted but he stopped when he saw Michael.

"Times up! You're dead, go down. John!" Arthur said, and Lillian rolled her eyes.

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