Chapter 17 - My Brother Is A Psychopath

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Even the most dangerous look less threatening when they are dead - Laura Moncur

Even the most dangerous look less threatening when they are dead - Laura Moncur

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"I've heard very bad, bad, bad things about you Birmingham people." Alfie said once everyone sat down in his office.

"That's because those people are cunts." Harry slurred from the back of the room, Lillian rolled her eyes at her older brother. Shaking her head as he looked ready to pass out on the floor.

"Shut up Harry." Will muttered as he downed another glass, leaning against the wall as he held Harry up by the arm.

"You're Gypsies, right? So, what, do you live in a fucking tent or a caravan?" Alfie asked, and Lillian snorted, she always loved how blunt he was.

"I came here to discuss business with you, Mr. Solomons." Thomas cleared his throat, taking a smoke which Lillian allowed him to have for the time being.

"Well rums for fun and fucking, innit?" Alfie announced, clapping his hands together as he leant over his desk.

"Someone said fucking, I'm in." Harry slurred, pushing Will away from him and straightening his suit up and took a step forward only to stumble and land on his face with a groan. Will went down to help him up, but Lillian held up her hand.

"Leave him Will." She told him, and he shrugged, going back to his original place while Alfie barked a laugh at the man on the floor.

"He's makin my office a fucking mess Lill's." he said, and Lillian sighed before kicking Harry in the side and he groaned in response.

"Get up you, fuckin prick."

"So, whisky, now that That is for business." Alfie rummaged in his desk drawers and brought it onto the table.

"Let's talk first, eh?" Thomas asked, and Alfie stared at him, scratching his beard.

"Suit yourself. They say you had your life saved by a policeman." Alfie stated as he put the whiskey away.

"I have policemen on my payroll." Thomas answered.

"I don't like policemen because policemen, they can't be trusted." Alfie said, and Lillian rolled her eyes at the mad look in his eyes as he played with his hands.

"Mr. Sabini uses policeman all the time. That's why he's winning the war in London and you are losing it." Thomas told him, and Lillian shook her head at his idiocy. Why would you say that?

"A war ain't over until it's over, mate. You were in the war? I once carried out my own personal form of stigmata on an Italian. I pushed his face up against the trench and shoved a six-inch nail up his fucking nose and I hammered it home with a duck board. It was fucking biblical, mate." Alfie stated proudly and then pointed at the three McDonalds. "Those three were with me as well, watch it too."

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